elodea photosynthesis graph

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Introduction. The elodea was placed in these temperatures and a light shone on them for 5 minutes. They use this technique to compare the amounts of photosynthesis that occur under conditions of low and high light levels. Before they begin the experiment, however, students must come up with a well-worded hypothesis to be … 2. This is because different colours are determined by different wavelengths, and some wavelengths are shorter than others. ... g Plot data on a line graph. Too much light may cause plants to "burn out" while too little light will not provide enough light for optimal photosynthesis activity. 4) Set the test tube on the test tube rack. Plants have four types of pigments, namely chlorophyll, carotenoids, anthocyanins, and xanthophylls. I also realised that my plants are dying because of the high temperature produced by the 100 watt lamp. The punched out leaf disks will initially sink in a test tube of water but will float as photosynthesis occurs. ): To correct for this representation of the data and present a graph that shows increasing rates of photosynthesis with a positive slope the ET50 term can be Simple experiment to demonstrate oxygen production in pond weed. only the ones that floated to the top of the test tube. In this experiment the rate of photosynthesis is measured by counting the number of bubbles rising from the cut end of a piece of Elodea or Cabomba. The results do not show the general relationship between light intensity and photosynthesis that could normally be seen had the experiment taken place without errors. 1) Cut a segment of the Elodea plant approximately 8cm with scissors. Explanation. Place the 10 cm segment of elodea plant in each container. These photons can cause electron excitation to ... ... technique used in plant nutrition experiment. In this experiment I wanted to find out in what condition the elodea plant can grow and photosynthesis the best. It can be seen from this table that the blue colour group had the most average bubbles per day. I decided to measure the ph of water after 5 days to see if there are any changes in ph. This explains why the Elodea plants are green. RESULTS: Create 2 separate bar graphs comparing the average plant growth and color of light. The dependent variable will be the number of bubbles formed and floated to the top of the test tube. Fill each ice cream container with 500 ml of water. This is the rate of photosynthesis at that particular concentration of CO2. Measure 500 ml of water using a beaker. Elodea High School Inquiry/Scientific Method Plants. Green light has a shorter wavelength than the red light but it had a lower rate because chlorophyll, the photosynthetic site, reflects the green colour and absorbs all others. It is extremely important to know the meaning and process of photosynthesis, irrespective of the fact that whether it the part of one's curriculum or not. In each experiment that I did 4 segments of elodea where used each segment was cut to exactly 10 cm long and each elodea segment was placed in an ice cream container covered with a different coloured plastic cellophane for the next 5 days. 1. This experiment was consisted of 4 different colours of light, Blue, Green, Red and Purple. 1. Obtain 3 pieces of Elodea about 6 cm in length and 2 pieces of aluminum foil. Bromthymol blue is used as an indicator for the presence of CO2 in solution. Thus, these short wavelengths have more energy and thus are optimal for photosynthetic activity. It provides good habitat for many aquatic invertebrates and cover for young fish and amphibians. We learned to use the calibration curve obtained from a known spectrum or measure the angle of diffraction to find out the wavelengths of unknown spectral lines. Graph) Discussion: In this experiment I wanted to find out in what condition the elodea plant can grow and photosynthesis the best. The mixtures of DCPIP with water, PO4 buffer, and chloroplast will be prepared in a number of cuvettes. 2) Crush the end of the stem at the site of incision gently. The rate of photosynthesis was measured every five min under light colors of white, green, red, blue and yellow under a light intensity of 2000 lux. The ice cream containers were sealed for 5 days so the level of carbon dioxide in the container was probably not enough to sustain photosynthesis and therefore causing the plant to produce fewer bubbles. I use this plant because it will grow in a wide range of conditions, from very shallow to deep water, and in many sediment types. Tags: SB1.e . Therefore varying wavelengths of light have drastic affects on the rate of photosynthesis. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 8. A photon ... As shown by this experiment, photosynthetic rate varies greatly depending on the different colours of light used. Cover each ice cream container with a cellophane plastic (purple, blue, green and red). Answer question 4 by making a Line Graph of the data in Table 3. With With each graph, make sure to include a title, equal intervals, labels for the x and y axes, and a key / legend So I predicted that the plants under blue and purple colour cellophanes will have a higher photosynthetic rate. Lab room light will be used for the control light. So for my next set of experiment I decided to remove the lamp and instead of measuring the ph of water measure the length grown after 5 days and also the number of bubbles present on the plant everyday. Dissolved Oxygen production of . 4. This is not an example of the work written by professional academic writers. The photosynthetic rate is usually measured indirectly by detecting the amount of carbon dioxide released by plants. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. The rate of photosynthesis is measured by one of the following methods: By measuring (I) the volume of CO, consumed (2) volume of oxygen liberated (3) amount of carbohydrate accumulated. To accomplish this, the plants were subjected t different light colours (Blue, Green, Red and purple). Describe what each of your chromatography strips looked like. (Find a price that suits your requirements), * Save 10% on First Order, discount promo code "096K2". Elodea, an aquatic plant available at many pet or gardening stores Bromothymol blue solution (acid-base indicator available for purchase online) 0.04% (Aqueous), 1 L Bottle (1-2 bottles) Transparent plastic films of different colors (heat resistant) Then a comparison can be made between the similarities of aquatic photosynthesis and growth to that of terrestrial plants. This activity will allow students to measure the rate at which the photosynthesis process occurs. Because of this, the plants from one store can be of a completely different species than the plant of the other store. Prepare a graph of the collected data and analyze it. Factors Affecting Photosynthesis-Interactive. How ever the green light photosynthetic rate was lower than the red light photosynthetic rate. Count the bubbles for 10 seconds, 30 seconds, and 60 seconds. The results from my very first experiment were unsuccessful. The basic structure of these plants are whirls of leaves around a stem that form a chain of long segments connected to looks like pipe cleaners with usually a diameter of about half an inch or so, depending on the species of elodea plants. This lab involves the qualitative measurement of the changes in carbon dioxide concentration associated with respiration and photosynthesis in the freshwater plant Elodea. D. Wavelength and Photosynthetic Rate. This explains why the Elodea plants are green. under different wavelengths of light. 1. I repeated the experiment, but this time I decided to remove the 100 watt lamp and instead of measuring the ph of water measure the number of bubbles on each plant everyday and on the fifth day the elodea segments were removed from the container, measured and recorded again to see the amount grown (in length) during the five-day period. Table 1: Light colour and the average number of bubbles per day. This data might only be valid on aquatic plants, so for the next experiment, the same tests can be applied to land plants that require soil. Biology 4A Photosynthesis Laboratory (03/2020) Page 3 of 3 . Abstract This study was undertaken to determine the relationship of different wavelengths of light and the rate of photosynthesis in spinach leafs. Does photosynthesis performed by elodea remove CO2 from the water? And the number of bubbles on the elodea segment everyday. (My second method was successful). It can be seen from this table that the blue colour group had the most average Length grown (cm). // Provide alternate content for browsers that do not support scripting // or for those that have scripting disabled. Photosynthesis Lab for AP biology where students use a sprig of elodea. Initially I decided to measure the ph of water after 5 days but the results were not successful as you can see in my results table. By conducting this experiment, I was expecting to see as I mentioned in my hypothesis a heightened photosynthetic activity using purple and blue light. I first did some research on the elodea plants niche. The Effects of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis of Aquatic Plant Elodea Bethany Rollen Morgan Daniels, Victoria Rosario, Natali Mejorado Biology 1441 Sec. Light’s colour is determined by its wavelength of light, and thus it is possible to devise an experiment to determine which wavelengths of light are most productive for photosynthesis than others. It is the simplest method. Photosynthesis increases with the increase in temperature. I did 3 experiments so altogether I collected 9 results for every colour so I added all the 9 results and divided the outcome by 9. Repeat at different lower CO2 concentrations by using different dilutions of a saturated solution. Elodea. 6) Turn on the light source and begin taking observations. Besides the light factor I also decided to put a 100 watt lamp above each plant so I get a high light intensity to speed up the rate of photosynthesis. The Hydrogen Spectrum colour| θ2-θ1| (θ2-θ1)/2| λ| accepted| difference| red| 46.483| 23.242| 657| 740| 11.2%| blue| 33.963| ... ... experiment, we will measure the photosynthetic rates of spinach disks under different wavelengths (blue, yellow, green, red and white) of light. This test will allow us to see which wavelength (colour) will allow the most light the elodea plant needs to flourish. I find out that the elodea plant is a genus of aquatic plants. Silty sediments and water rich in nutrients favour the growth of American waterweed in nutrient-rich lakes. Elodea is native to North America and it is also widely used as aquarium vegetation. 2) Crush the end of the stem at the site of incision gently. The data I collected and my graphs show that my hypothesis was right. Does light intensity affect the rate of photosynthesis in Elodea plants? These pigments have different polarities and chemical properties. Observe the plant without the use of the light source. For my repeat experiments I made some changes. 3) Submerge the plant into a test tube filled with 40mL room temperature water and 1g baking soda. Graph the … This would then allow white light through but making the holes small and on the side of the container will reduce the amount of light through that is not of the colour group. The elodea was attached to a scale and syringe that was used to pull through oxygen bubbles so we could measure the rate of oxygen released and relate this to the rate of photosynthesis. I predict that the plant under blue and purple light will have a higher photosynthetic rate because according to the colour spectrum, they are of shorter wavelength thus they have a higher energy. Photosynthesis is a food making process for algae and plants. The values for the factor being varied should be on the x-axis, and the mean bubble rate in … 8) Repeat steps one through seven for the following light distances: 9) Lastly, lab room conditions will be used as the control group. Other follow-up experiments that can be done are to test other colours instead of the ones in this experiment like black lights and UV lights and light intensities of a wider range or an experiment to test the effect of temperature variations on the elodea plants. Graph 1: Light Colour vs average number of bubbles per day (Table 1. To eliminate this built in error, what can be done is to order the plants ahead of time so that one store does not run out of the materials and so there will not be a need to go to another store. Table 2: Light colour and the average length grown (cm) in five days. 3. (Find a price that suits your requirements), The Term Paper on Photosynthesis Lab Report, The Term Paper on Light Quality On The Rate Of Photosynthesis Measure, The Essay on Plant Pigment Chromatography, The Term Paper on Spectrometer Experiment, Light Quality On The Rate Of Photosynthesis Measure, Emily Dickinson’s “A Certain Slant of Light” Analysis Essay. Graph 1: Light Colour vs average number of bubbles per day (Table 1. Time is the independent variable and will be measured with a stop watch. IntroductionThis lab has been created in order to find what extent does distance from a light source (5cm, 10cm, and 15cm) affect the rate of photosynthesis (measured in bubbles / 3 min) in Elodea water plants. Measure the ph of water in each container after 5 days. Slice off a portion of the stem at an angle and lightly crush the cut end of the stem. In this experiment, the light intensity is changed by changing the distance of the source of light closer or further away from the elodea, so theoretically, when the intensity becomes stronger due to the light source being closer to the Elodea, the rate of photosynthesis should increase and therefore the number of oxygen bubbles will increase too. Compare the action spectrum to Elodea's absorption spectrum, ... More complex spectrophotometers can also produce a graph of measurements over time. The last day the green light plants were all over the tray container. Table 2: Light colour and the average length grown (cm) in five days. The ice cream containers were sealed for 5 days so the level of carbon dioxide in the container was probably not enough to sustain photosynthesis and therefore causing the plant to produce fewer bubbles. 1985. Plants have shown to produce more bubbles when, placed closer to a light source than further away. Place a stand next to each container; attach a 100 watt light bulb to each stand 20 cm above each container. The bubbles counted were. 5. 5) Place a light source 50cm away facing the test tube. Table 3. From the results that I collected in my log book for my second method it can be seen that the number of bubbles on the leaves of the plants generally decreased each day as the days passed. Based on the data collected, the distance the lamp was placed from the test tube with the Elodea plant in it did affect the number of bubbles that formed and floated to the top of the test tube. What can be done to correct this is to poke small holes on the sides of the ice cream container; this will allow the air to circulate. This is probably caused by the lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide circulation inside the ice cream containers. Question 24 . (2) Pour equal amounts of bromothymol blue into the test tubes or glasses (about 2/3 of the test tube or ½ cup in a small glass). You must cite our web site as your source. My first set of experiment was not successful at all; I got the same ph (8) after 5 days for all the different light colours and found out that the plants were getting damaged from the 100 watt bulb. ... are absorbed by the photosynthetic pigments in plants. Does cellular respiration occur at a higher rate than photosynthesis in the tube with only elodea? In the results the pattern is that when the light intensity is higher the readings are generally higher. 2. 9. photosynthesis. The purpose of this experiment is to find out under what wavelength (different colour of light) the elodea plants are able to grow and photosynthesise the best. The gas should be checked to prove that it is indeed oxygen - relights a glowing splint. Elodea is a fast growing aquatic plant, it has a high photosynthetic rate and it leaves entirely under water but it can even continue to grow unrooted, as floating fragments. Hypothesis: Yes, light intensity does affect the rate of photosynthesis. I first did some research on the elodea plants niche. Silty sediments and water rich in nutrients favour the growth of American waterweed in nutrient-rich lakes. A light source is split (in the example by a prism). Students will work in small groups to design an experiment with one independent variable and test this variable on spinach leaf disks. Dickinson ... All Papers Are For Research And Reference Purposes Only. The closer (from 50cm to 10cm) the lamp was placed to the test tube, the more bubbles formed over 60 seconds (from 110 to 201 bubbles). Here are my averaged data results. These graphs have been plotted with rate of photosynthesis against the factor under investigation. The rate of photosynthesis varies greatly with changes in wavelengths of light. The photosynthesis process rate varies from different wavelengths and intensities of light. Count the bubbles to measure the rate of photosynthesis. Background Emission Spectrum As we know, every atom has a set of discrete energy levels occupied by its electrons. Free Samples and Examples of Essays, Homeworks and any Papers, Filed Under: Term Papers Tagged With: light. This is probably caused by the lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide circulation inside the ice cream containers. Elodea, genus of five or six species of submerged aquatic plants in the frog’s-bit family (Hydrocharitaceae), useful in aquariums and in laboratory demonstrations of cellular activities. In order to test the light colour effect on the photosynthetic rate of the plant I decided to cover the ice cream container with coloured cellophane, I chose four colours Green, Red, Blue and purple. Photosynthesis defines the process by which plants and some bacte… 4 cellophane plastics (red, blue, purple and green). 5. The diagram given in this BiologyWise article is a small pictorial elaboration of the process of photosynthesis that will prove helpful for kids and teenagers to understand this vital process of the plant kingdom. Measure the ph of water using the ph meter. Make sure your hands are dry when plugging the lamp. BIO 101 Lab 08: Photosynthesis 6 (series). At low temperature, the enzyme does not have enough energy to meet many substrate molecules, so the reaction is slowed. Keep the ice cream containers (filled with water) away from the socket. Materials Needed: (For each group of four students) elodea (water plant) lamp (40 watt) As light intensity reduces so bubble count reduces. ... not fall over. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, Light Intensity and Rate of Photosynthesis (Carol Cao), The rate of photosynthesis is determined by the number of bubbles formed by the Elodea plants. 11. Because of this for my repeat I had to make some major changes, I removed the lamp and decided to measure the length grown in each segment of elodea after 5 days. I averaged the number of bubbles altogether eg I had 3 recordings for every colour per each set of experiments. From this experiment, I can see that there is a significant variation in the effectiveness of different wavelengths of light upon photosynthetic rate. Graph the results placing temperature on the x-axis. This is because these colours contain more energy, for according to the colour spectrum, they are of shorter wavelengths, and the shorter the wavelength, the more energy is present. I got the same ph 8 for all the containers. Photosynthesis is one of the most remarkable biochemical processes found on Earth and allows plants to use sunlight to make food from water and carbon dioxide. When the temperature rises, the particles in the reaction move quicker and collide more, so the rate of photosynthesis rises also. This will be measured by counting, Amount of baking soda in each test tube-1g. It this case, number of bubbles of oxygen are counted given out in unit time by green aquatic plants like Hydrilla. This experiment is a continuation of the experiment "Oxygen Production in Elodea in Direct Light, Distant Light, and Darkness.Temperatures under 15C will not affect oxygen production in photosynthesis yet temperature over 40C will greatly increase oxygen production. Answer questions 5 and 6 based on your Line Graph 10.Answer question 7 based on the results of both Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. (For my daily results refer to my log book). Graph). Simple experiments carried out by scientists shows that the rate of photosynthesis is critically dependent upon variables such as temperature, pH and intensity of light. The purpose of this experiment is to see under what conditions the elodea plants grow and photosynthesize the best. 6. I then filled each ice cream container with 500 ml of water and put above each container a 100 watt lamp attached to a stand distanced 20 cm from the container. I did some research on different light wavelengths and found out that the blue light has the lowest wavelength therefore it has more energy followed by purple, green and red. Here you can order a professional work. It is native to North America and is an important part of lake ecosystems. adequate amounts of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis to occur. This lab will evaluate the optimal wavelengths and degrees of intensity during photosynthesis when chloroplast is exposed to light. It can even continue to grow unrooted, as floating fragments. 022; Ishanka Hemachandra; February 16th, 2017 Elodea canadensis, within six species of aquatic plants was derived from North and South America. From which kingdom is this organism? Recently there are ... light Waterproof caulking Methodology Preparation of the Nutrient Solution The nutrient solution will be stored in an appropriate container; ... every other day while the plants are still ... ... the exit of winter light at the end of the day in the same distant ... and joy. Study the number of bubbles formed (dependent variable) as a function of time (independent variable) at various light distances from the test tube. The, oxygen bubbles are a product of photosynthesis. I found that the rate of photosynthesis increased with temperature. Graph 2: Light colour vs length grown (cm), (Table 2. Specifically, identify the pigments on each strip and compare their positions to one another. Since the oxygen bubbles are a product of photosynthesis, one can conclude that the more bubbles formed, the more photosynthesis occurred, thus increasing the rate of photosynthesis. From the results that I collected in my log book for my second method it can be seen that the number of bubbles on the leaves of the plants generally decreased each day as the days passed. The above is the method I used for my first set of experiment. 1) Aquatic plant (Elodea) 2) Test tubes 3) Watch 4) Water (at room temperature) 5) Lamp (light source) 6) Knife/Scissors 7) Rulers 8) baking soda Procedures. Elodea plants are native to the New World, though a number of species have established themselves as invasive Fill a 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask to the 100 ml line with tap water, then add 5 ml of phenol With the temperature rising to 35 degrees to 40 degrees, the photosynthesis rate also increases, but the rate dips beyond 40 degrees. I thought that the water in the container that had plant with the highest photosynthetic rate would become acidic because more carbon dioxide is produced by the plant in respiration. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a by-product. It should be noted that I used a very dark blue cellophane colour; my purple cellophane colour was light so it is possible that if I used darker purple colour cellophane it might have produced a different results. 1) Cut a segment of the Elodea plant approximately 8cm with scissors. Keeping that in mind I set up an experiment to find out under what light colour (blue, green, purple and red) elodea can photosynthesis the best. However, this increase is not exponential and it is seen that when the temperature rises to 45 degrees, there is a decline in the rate of photosynthesis. The efficiency of photosynthesis can be measured, by the amount of oxygen bubbles formed during a given amount of time. According to this trend line, the light intensity increases while the rate of photosynthesis increases as well, thus the independent and dependent variables have a positive correlation in this stage of the graph. The feeling of ... no definitive answers in regards to the light or the speaker’s internal despair. They were all like vines ... in plants subjected to green light verses plant growth in plants subjected to red light. 91 Exercise 1 – Observing Photosynthesis via CO 2 Consumption 1. Cream container with a cellophane plastic ( purple, blue, green and red ) in! Does not have enough energy to meet many substrate molecules, so the rate of photosynthesis that occur conditions. Complex spectrophotometers can also produce a graph of the collected data and it! Using different dilutions of a completely different species than the red light photosynthetic rate shorter than others the... Five days checked to prove that it is indeed oxygen - relights a glowing splint, games, chloroplast! 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