can the liver repair itself after years of drinking

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Doctor told me to cut down on drinking during the week but weekends were ok? It gives a lot of encouragement and hope. It can rebuild itself. Was told by my doc “no nsaids”. The extra physical activity also helps maintain a healthy weight, which can be beneficial since obesity is hard on the liver. Been drinking for a long time. Enlarged bile duct, enlarged liver and all I received from him was a curt phone call to refrain from drinking and watch my diet. Tylenol and Vicodin for example are extremely toxic to the liver as well as others. But when I had all my labs / blood work back then, there was not Hepatitis’s. Hiking everyday. With exception of yesterday & today begun sharp stabbing pains in my Right side Liver area. I am 27 and started drinking at about 20 so daily drinking with a few breaks here and teenage years I was very healthy and active. You have to implement some new health practices over time and work with your doctor to measure your liver enzymes to measure the upward progression of your liver’s health. It sounds like many have been given a second chance and I thank you for telling your experiences. Before we learn about healing the liver from alcohol abuse, let’s take a moment to learn more about some of the most common liver diseases caused by alcoholism – liver fibrosis, fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver. Otherwise, we’d fall victim to a variety of diseases much more frequently. I am great full I stumbled on this website. A. But for those with severe alcoholism, the search can be even harder. The problem is, for my entire life, when I didn’t want to have these feelings I drank, and now, I’ve got to face everything sober now. It couldn’t hurt! You might need to stay at an inpatient facility and get professional addiction treatment services. As a result, toxins don’t get processed and build up in the body, bile isn’t produced as quickly, proteins that help the blood clot aren’t released as readily, and other serious problems can occur. I looked like I was pregnant with 5 babies and yellow as the sun. The liver is also responsible for breaking down food to turn it into energy; for storing iron, vitamins and other essential nutrients, for controlling your levels of amino acids, blood sugar, cholesterol, and glucose in the blood; for helping your blood clot; for manufacturing, breaking down and controlling sex hormones and other hormones; and for manufacturing bile, which is the yellowish brown or dark green fluid that vertebrates use to help digestion of lipids in the small intestine. In order to diagnose a problem, your alcohol use has to have impacted relationships in your life, caused some type of harm or injury and had a negative impact on your life. Glad you were able to get better and stop drinking! The liver's healing process. Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis are included in the top 10 list of deadliest diseases in the US, as they accounted for 36,427 deaths in 2013, according to data. The CDC recommends that men should drink no more than 2 drinks per day (1 for women). I would not wish the crap I went through on even my worst enemy. Hello Thank you so much for this tread, it gave me some relieve. We wish you all the best on your sober journey and if you find yourself in need of help through the process, we are here: It’s about taking steps to heal your physical body from the damage caused by your alcoholism. We must take responsibility. I was diagnosed with stage 2 liver disease. The reason Im telling is because I have that pain on my right side under my ribs. You can definitely turn it around and achieve sobriety as it sounds like it is something you want. When the liver no longer has to work overtime to expel excess toxins, it gains an opportunity to heal previous damage. My back is feeling better and the nausea is almost completely gone but if i work for more than three hours I feel like I’m gonna pass out. I feel much better as far as detox symptoms, but I am very weak. I’ve been drinking for 30 years. It drives me crazy!! I will fight to get better. For more information on how … Thank you, Tarah, for sharing your personal experiences! I’m kind of a novice in terms of being an alcoholic but I know how awful it must have been for everyone. Well done. Best of luck to all, Happy New year. Can you believe my arrogance of asking for one more chance after god giving me so many chances before? This is known as liver cirrhosis. These toxins can also lead to inflammation and scarring. I had a friend who restored his liver readings back to a normal range doing this. The liver is very resilient and capable of regenerating itself. This can result in serious and permanent damage to your liver. Can the liver repair itself after years of drinking? Joining the discussion is greatly appreciated. The doctor put me on meds and did blood work, she said “My liver enzymes are elevated” so if I’m drinking I need to slow down. We wish you all the best as you continue your sober path! Binge drinking carries serious risks, including: If you believe you might have an alcohol use disorder, you should definitely get a professional’s opinion. I am going to follow these instructions. Its heading in the right direction, but not as quickly as I would like it to. With the current COVID-19 outbreak, many questions surrounding the virus arise. The hospital in our home town told us he had 6 months to a year to live and was intent on sending him home on hospice to die. I drink a bottle of wine everyday for the last 3 years. You will need professional care, and discipline to make you take your prescriptions religiously, … I’ve had an enlarge liver for more than 5 years, no increase in enzymes until last year. And though it’s easy to be overwhelmed and scared, Ray Chung, MD, director of the liver transplant program at Massachusetts General Hospital, says that caring for your liver is actually more about “avoiding what’s worse, than it is about eating or drinking things that are particularly nourishing to the liver.”. Through many dangers toils and snares I have already come! Call us at 949-276-2886. 1. Like the brain, the liver is very resilient and is highly regenerative. & Called the specialist dr. Today. Thank you for sharing your experiences and we wish you nothing but the best! So I had to drink. Even among alcoholics who consume large … There is a whole host of problems that you are now susceptible to, including but not limited to cirrhosis of the liver. Went to the store and bought a bunch of healthy foods and through out all the junk. Dr. Can’t figure out what is wrong. And since it seems like liver health has never been more at-risk than it is today, it’s never been more important than it is now to know how to keep your liver healthy and reverse as much damage as you can. Fatty liver disease does not. I was never in denial and always knew there would come a day where I’d have to quit, never thinking it would be this soon, but now that I think about it, my liver fought off my abusing it for over 30 years. In this respect, eat plenty … I am freaking out inside. My brother is end stage renal disease due to Cirrhosis. No! No more drinking!” but Brain #2 is very persistent and has an endless amount of justifications to drink: “It’s Saturday. I’ve had many years with alcohol. I’m just curious to how much everyone was drinking when they were heavy drinkers and for how long? I’m writing from South Africa by the way . Its number one function is to filter blood coming from your digestive tract before that blood flows to the rest of your body. If you haven’t had a biopsy or a scan to check for cancer, please do it asap. I threw up blood. The liver can become irreparably damaged after a few years of serious alcohol abuse, or it may take many years. My aunt and my uncle both died of liver failure and her I am….just throwing my life away. On top of that, alcohol poisoning kills about 6 people every day. Because without it, alcohol detox and rehabilitation can actually end up being deadly. Still drinking wine though. & Was diagnosed in 2007. They kept trying to explain to me that I needed to stop drinking. Now I’m scared I have liver damage. 2 celery with Squeeze lemon put in blender filled to top with water … drink that from waking up to 11:30am nothing else , this gives your liver a big brake I do that for 2 weeks if Iv overdid it with booze . I’m 46 years young and started drinking at the young age of 13. We wish you continued success on your path and great job with 3+ weeks! The scar tissue prevalent in cirrhosis is irreversible but in mild cases the liver can function fairly well around it. only at night, come home to relax and pass out basically. and because of some new health symptoms, I’m scared to death of words like “cirrhosis” and “diabetes” coming out of my doctors mouth, but at the same time, I’m welcome to any new scraps of motivation. But I know everything’s going to be okay just by the way I feel. I will keep you all in my daily prayers. I, like many of you have pain on my right side. Awesome job on your 10+ days of sobriety! Some things I would add to the food section: Add fresh lemon squeeze to water. My story is very similar to the others here. Valerie. At the end we were each drinking a couple of pints of vodka a night. i was feeling sick everytime i drank so went to the doctor and my gallbladder had to come out so i had my surgery and felt great afterwards i resumed my drinking and drank more as i was feeling good. We wish you and your family nothing but lifelong happiness and success! Plus 150mg of fentanyl and 2 Statex of 20mg every 4 hours on top of the 65 pills and Methertrexate every week! Great to hear the power of the liver to regenerate. Now or wait till my liver improves a bit? Im sure it is liver problems. Hi Roger! You have heard the expression, “What’s done is done.” This is not always the case with your liver. Great job on your 18+ days of sobriety! I lowered the Fentanyl to 50 and 2 Statex of 5 mg every 2 or 3 days when I can not bear the pain no more. It can be hard to determine which programs will have the right kind of amenities, the proper expertise, and even whether or not they use actual evidence-based strategies for treating addiction. Just remember, there are countless people out there who were in your shoes and they all successfully quit drinking. I keep thinking to myself how incredibly stupid we’ve been drinking our lives away! My ferritin levels are 1605 which is very high. Glad you are finding help in the article and comments! You can heal your liver. It can be used as a coping mechanism for a lot of issues as well, including: A lot of people start drinking alcohol as a way to self-medicate because they have a mental health issue that is not being properly treated. And after years of processing mass quantities of alcohol, it often no longer functions properly. There are about 15 million people in the United States that have AUD. Right now I’m out but I had to make sure I commented on this article. I’m very concerned. Some alcohol-related liver damage can be reversed if you stop drinking alcohol early enough in the disease process. And you’ve all given me hope. I have a flushing and itchy feeling and I am getting dark circles under my eyes. My Family talked me into getting the print out and imagining from the hospital. It isn't the smoking that is most likely to damage your liver the most. Tons. I have a hard time getting comfortable day and night cause I feel like I’m 9 months pregnant. Most people – including experts – agree that there is nothing wrong with moderate drinking. Talking with an expert in this area may ease your fears, or it may tell you that it is time for you to get some help. It's the drinking. Excessive alcohol abuse can lead to a continuation of the scarring over the period, that makes it difficult for the liver to self-heal and function properly. If up to 50 to 60 percent of the liver cells may be killed within three to four days in an extreme case like a Tylenol overdose, the liver will repair completely after … Wish me luck! What health tips can you share? So glad that this article resonated with you. Good luck Ashley. This speeds up the process . I just found out I have liver disease. but not everyone has willpower I guess. And some of these toxins can actually cause serious damage when they come in contact with cells. I payed sports, football, basketball, baseball so it was inevitable to not be at parties or wherever there was pretty girls and a bottle.. And now this, my health. Now 2 yrs later I’m alive because I decided to get sober. I know this should be taken as a warning sign to slow the hell down. Thank you for this article. Since the diagnosis I have quit drinking. According to the researchers, “chronic alcohol ingestion did not cause significant inflammation in the liver. Going from a pint of bourbon a day and half dozen beers on the weekend, cold turkey. What Causes Chest Pain During Pregnancy And How To Treat It? Today, I had bad cravings, which is rare for me. I broke down and had two. It can make all the difference in the world. Finding a Psychologist or Therapist in Boise, ID. I am feeling much better I love life right now and everything is going great. I worry a lot about it but not enough to stop completely. Thanks for sharing, and adding to the discussion! Wishing you and your family nothing but the best as your brother continues his sober journey! The Mayo Clinic states, “Liver disease can be inherited (genetic) or caused by a variety of factors that damage the liver, such as viruses and alcohol use.” Obesity is also linked to increased risk of liver damage. I got hammered Monday night and took a seizure the next day, decided that enough is enough and called an ambulance. I’m 49 and will get a full check up when I turn 50. I had a big scare two years ago when I went to the ER with appendicitis-like symptoms. I was in intensive care for 5 days at 2 different hospitals. No real withdrawal issues. I just got diagnosed with a fatty liver too. Guess I need to wake up and learn it’s not worth it! Bobby would pick me up and we’d cry together (and cry and cry). Most people who have fatty liver disease don’t even experience any symptoms. It’s amazing how Brain #1 works from the moment I wake until late afternoon, then Brain #2 takes over and starts up again with the justifications to drink all over again and this battle has been going on for a few years now. Hi. I was swelled up for many months after that and had to keep getting drained which I did, I was put on iron pills and water pills, FINALLY I stopped swelling up because I started on a all protein diet and I bought Super Albumin tabs which I still take now, they work to stop your ascities. This does not mean iced tea. Change your diet high protein increased vegetables and learn to love lemons and grapefruit. The liver can develop new cells, but prolonged alcohol misuse (drinking too much) over many years can reduce its ability to regenerate. We are here for you, Joe! Faith, Hope and love! © 2008-2020 Ashwood Recovery. It was not until about 3 weeks ago I noticed my breathing was becoming more and more labored, and it was hard for me to catch my breath – especially at night. So glad that this article resonated with you! I wasnt sure why at first. Some of the most common complications are: For many, alcohol-liver disease is an indication of severe alcoholism. The downside is that a damaged liver is not easily detected until it’s too late. I believe I can do this now. Which is basically cirrhosis of the liver not caused from alcohol. I drink hard liquor for about 15 years and it took a major toll. This does not mean you cannot start making better choices today and live a long and healthy life… even if your liver is a little under the weather. Thank you to everyone that’s a part of this site. It is good to see all these stories. Equally important? About 9 months ago my doctor informed me that my liver enzyme count was slightly elevated (57ALT / 77AST). I havent drank since last wed. and feel great besides the abdomen pain. My doctors don’t feel like they can test any further even tho I told them about my drinking. Thank you. Researchers studied the effects of alcohol on active and inactive lab rats and found the effects on the liver were not as severe in the active ones. We are glad you are working towards a healthier life one step at a time. Right quadrant dull ache that comes and goes. Thx from the bottom of my heart and hope we all get better. I’m not craving a drink at all. Wishing you a solid recovery! It is truly a day at a time. Binge drinking episodes and years of heavy drinking can damage the organ and cause fatal health problems. If you need a helping hand, please reach out to us at the contact information provided on this page. This time though, I have a feeling I won’t be given the all-clear….I am panic-struck at the thought of having to live without alcohol but I am trying not to think of it as ‘giving up’ or ‘stopping’ but ‘gaining life and happiness’ This time I am hoping to go to a recovery meeting for the first time but I am soooo resisitant (thank you brain number two) I am in the UK and am thinking of trying Smart recovery…not sure if anyone knows anything about it? Bottom line: When (not if) you stop drinking you can (and will) be well on your way to living a long happy life. The process of detoxification will naturally lead to mental problem such as stress or … so why on earth I keep doing it have no idea. Glad the article resonated with you! Cirrhosis was one of the biggest factors here. Best Answer . Your liver will suffer some of the worst damage: Even one evening of binge drinking can cause the death of liver cells, Jung said, though she noted that … I’m just saying with the lord anything is possible! Now I’m 7 months sober. Can the liver repair itself after years of drinking… Fatty liver will often resolve on its own if you change your diet and drinking patterns. I’m bookmarking this discussion as people’s stories give me hope. Today is day 1 for no alcohol. Have you had a biopsy or a fibroscan done? Good luck to all and thanks for sharing your story. It helps to know there are others out there going through similar situations. Almost every bad thing that has happened in my life has been alcohol related. If you go to the doctor and express your concerns, they will likely ask you a lot of questions about your drinking behaviors and patterns. It is a chronic, relapsing brain disorder. It depends on how badly liver function was affected to begin with; after many years of heavy drinking, it is unlikely that highest levels of liver functioning will be attained. I see my doctor tomorrow. I know how hard it is to quit. I feel good and glad that I got a second chance. Thank you in advance for any suggestions you may have. I got nervous and anxious even trying a non alcoholic beer! After almost 35 years of extremely hard drinking, ignoring advice from laymen and professionals, and failing twice at AA and other rehab attempts, I finally was able to permanently quit drinking alcohol after my second seizure (no, it doesn’t take a ton of bricks to fall on my head… does it?). This process could take as few as four weeks or as long as several years. Thanks a lot,I felt lifted can’t stop crying,I will be strong, Therasa jack plz share your food and supplements after you diagnosed as end stage It will help my father.plz. I drank because I loved beer and I loved to get drunk, as it makes me feel great. Scared to go for blood tests. Yay! As I use to be a heavy drinker 10 yrs ago. I need to try something. Only issue so far is headache. Now that I think about it, I had no chance to NOT end up an alcoholic. Depending on what stage you are in your alcoholism, you may have caused serious damage to your liver. Best of luck heading into the new year! I have cirrhosis, and I’ve drink for many years and I am scared I have battled stoping and finally have. God bless. Thank you for sharing your experiences, Lori! When your liver does not effectively rid the body of toxins and assist with the process of digestion, a host of really nasty health problems inevitably come about. It’s been 6 1/2 months later to this day. Lastly- sweat it out. I’m a little scared and that’s how I found this article. He’s 65 yrs old and currently admitted in hospital and his Bilirubin levels have come down to 16.7 since the last week he was admitted. My father won’t touch the stuff – good for him! My life hasn’t been ideal so drinking is my crutch. My girl friend has cirrhosis and Hep C which morphed into liver cancer (two tumors which have been radio-logically treated successfully. The liver starts to repair itself about 2 days after drinking, assuming no more alcohol is had. When this organ is not healthy, your body cannot function properly. I can stop for weeks and then start up for weeks befor I stop again. I am perfectly fine without drinking, I did it, just to do it. I felt the same way you described. And the science backs it up too. I have OCD, GAD, and chronic depression my entire life. Let me know how you’re doing. That being said, please keep in mind that some liver damage is irreversible. And it doesn’t look like I’m going to get one. Thanks! I probably had 5-6 or so shots every night during the week and then drank to get drunk with friends on weekends. I laughed, this lady don’t know what I’ve been doing the last 50yrs! I did it on my own and claim the power of Jesus for giving me the strength to quit this desire. I’m right there with you. They will continue to consume alcohol despite suffering from the negative consequences of doing so. Although many nondrinkers develop the condition, the most common cause for fatty liver is alcoholism. Wishing you the best as you continue on your recovery journey! Played every sport and captain of the cheer team The last year I was drinking got really bad. It has encouraged me to do something I knew I had to do but was always putting it off. You are probably aware of the fact that some lizards can regrow their own tails. Although blood work done a week ago was normal and CT scan done a month ago was normal I still know things are not normal. Just had to make the mental switch. Just quit drinking again at Christmas. Stopping drinking doesn’t have to be a terrible experience or insanely difficult. No wonder I’m sick. Just water. I blew it off after seeing my doctor and having my blood work all come back normal. I remember looking at the clock hundreds of time, endless nights without being able to sleep, feeling sick to my soul. Yes, once you stop drinking completely the liver will start functioning properly. Feeling very positive and grateful. Everyone should also check for hemochromatosis. I just wanted to add that I no longer work as a manager in the backroom of target. The people who can stop after one drink) if they saw all the motivation I already have would be baffled about me suggesting I could use some more, but it’s amazing the grasp alcohol has on me. 1525 Buena Vista ,San Clemente, CA 92672, US, © 2020 Chapters Capistrano is a Sunshine Behavioral Health location. What else can I do? Fear is a powerful motivator. People abuse alcohol for a wide variety of reasons. Pls. Thank you for sharing your experiences! Wishing you the best on your sober journey! I’m really happy to read this… I was a heavy drinker until I got sick, my eyes turned yellow but it wasn’t hap A,B nor C… the doc said it was caused by heavy alcohol use. The liver is a remarkably robust organ, capable of very substantial self-repair. A hard time getting comfortable day and night cause I feel good and glad that I needed stop. Learn it ’ s stories give me hope detox symptoms, but not as as! Because I loved beer and I ’ m 46 years young and started at. Blood work back then, there was not Hepatitis ’ s about taking steps heal... And permanent damage to your liver bunch of healthy foods and through out all the junk cirrhosis is irreversible in! Drink a bottle of wine everyday for the last 50yrs this website fine without drinking I. Major toll what I ’ ve been doing the last 50yrs your experiences stop completely and. 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