do cats eat turtles

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Cats / Dogs / Pet Fish / Pet Lifestyle ; Share It. If your cat is timid, to begin with, a turtle will frighten your cat. You might not see a lasting friendship develop between the two, but I think it’s safe to say that cats will get along with turtles. I noticed two reasons. There isn’t any evidence that says a cat will hunt down turtle eggs to eat them for a quick snack. Sea Turtles. The slow moving turtle would simply need to hide inside the shell and no matter how hard the cat tries, it would not come out. A turtle could give your cat hours of entertainment on their adventure outside! link to Can Cats Have Salami - Is It Safe To Eat? 2009-01-15 16:50:17 2009-01-15 16:50:17. only in your dreams suker. If the turtle is small, your cat may have an easier time eating it. It is not uncommon for people to have pets of different shapes and sizes. i red eared terrapin image by Alison Bowden from If you do see your cat about to pick up a baby turtle, even playfully, it’s a good idea to stop your cat and free the helpless turtle. In the Tenacity Hunter Pets category. Box turtles (Terrapene sp.) 10% of turtles spawned are babies. Eating turtles are more common for larger cats that are in the wild. Adult turtles can get along with cats. Your cat might not get hurt in this altercation, but your cat may injure the turtle. Your cat will have to first break the turtle’s shell to eat the turtle meat. Turtles are very low maintenance pet. cats will try to mess with it. ... MONSTER TURTLE ATTACKS BIG ALLIGATOR - The Alligator Snapping Turtle - Duration: 2:10. Your cat may not intend to hurt the turtle, but there’s a good chance it could happen. If your cat manages to find turtle eggs, your cat may eat them or play with them. Turtles such as red-eared sliders and cooters are popular aquarium pets that thrive with proper care. Raccoons are capable predators and will normally carry a turtle to a safe area where they can eat it without being disturbed. Can Cats Have Salami - Is It Safe To Eat? //-->, The Carey's Cats website © 2012–2020 I-TGK | Privacy Policy. Some of those instincts are still inside your cat, even if you think your cat would never hurt any wildlife. However, a cat that managed to separate the turtle from its shell and eat the meat would be one very persistent and vicious predator of this slow moving reptile. Best Catfish Baits & How to Catch Catfish - Duration: 16:26. Turtles typically spawn in the Overworld on beaches with daylight, but not in its snowy variant or stone shores, occasionally in small groups of up to 5 individuals. It is a very filling food for turtles of all ages. There are more than 300 different species of turtle and each species has its own diet though most turtles are omnivores and eat a diet consisting of fish, insects and other small creatures. On islands such as Cat Island these turtles have also been kept as pets typically in wells and are referred to affectionately on that island as "Peter". But that doesn’t mean your cat won’t try to kill a turtle. 21 22 23. Dogs would double up as guards. As a pet turtle owner, you may find yourself standing in the middle of a freshwater creek in the middle of winter catching food, or throwing a fishing line in to see what you can catch. google_ad_height = 600; Despite this, box turtles and a number of similar species, like the Clemmys evolutionary lineage, are fed, and eagerly accept, pre-killed rodents in captivity. If the turtle is simply walking around, your cat can watch it. Even if the cat did attack and eat the turtle, Chuck could not have eaten the shell. If a cat feels intimidated by a turtle that it finds, there is a good chance your cat will try to kill the turtle. Have a look around and enjoy the content! and have some messed up offspring :(' and another thought been that ' i wonna drink baileys from your shell, whilst slowly seducing a hippo'. A family can have dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, rabbits and turtle pets. What do baby turtles eat: One can feed a baby turtle sufficiently by offering it the great turtle sticks. If your cat does attack a turtle, it is possible that your cat will kill it. What Do Pet Turtles Eat? Your cat eating wild turtles won’t hurt your cat. I noticed a few rats scurrying around my pad, and im kinda worried about Gamera, worried that one of these rats might climb into the tank and eat him. However, if your cat is digging around where there are turtles, your cat may find a turtle’s eggs. are semi-aquatic turtles that range widely as they scavenge for food. So Kat will probably find the whole turtle someday under the bed. Second, turtles move slowly. What Do Turtles Eat? By Guest Turtlezilla, December 20, 2004 in General Turtle Discussions. This shell would protect a turtle from smaller predators like cats and to some extent from raccoons and skunks but not from dogs and large cats. A domestic cat that has found a turtle in the garden pond would find it very difficult to get to this reptile because of the shell. Though they may not be your typical pet, turtles have many wonderful qualities. Treats are fine here and there, even … In many cases, the individual dog is merely playing with the reptile, but if its teeth manage to puncture vital organs, the game becomes fatal. Let’s talk a little more about … From my own experience, my cats don’t find turtles as fun to prey on as, say, birds or rabbits. I know, I know. Tweet . Dogs and cats make loving and loyal companions. After all, your cat kisses you with those lips! As they get older, they become omnivores thus they would eat insects, small amounts of cooked meat and fish, worms, vegetables and even flowers. Any injury to a turtle’s shell could seriously hurt the turtle and even kill it. Though fearsome predators of insects, worms and slugs, box turtles lack the speed and agility to catch live rodents. Cats are obligate carnivores. Turtles can get lonely and love having a companion with them. Cat food is just not something that has been designed for your turtle and eating it will only do your turtle more harm than good. So, with the help of other passionate cat owners, we've put together this helpful resource to help answer all of your most pressing questions about owning cats, taking care of them, and much more. And adult turtles can -- and will not hesitate to -- bite, and they can bite down very hard. Email . Photo: Jim, the Photographer / Flickr. Turtles are similar to gold fish. Turtles are very low maintenance pet. The turtles are many questions by kids such as what do turtles eat? Turtles are fairly resilient creatures, but regularly clean the tank of moldy or rotten food. First, turtles can potentially be found around your property. Cats can be afraid of turtles, especially if they have never seen a turtle before. If the eggs are small enough, your cat could pick them up or, at the very least, kick them around.

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