how to calculate line of sight velocity

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In velocity dispersion calculations, all the luminosity-distribution model parameters derived in Section 3 will be handled as fixed. However, the structure of real galaxies is rather complicated – galaxies consist of several stellar populations with different density distributions and different ellipticities. Science and technology The calculated mass-distribution model describes rather well the observed stellar rotation curve and line-of-sight velocity dispersions. The visible part of the galaxy is given as a superposition of the nucleus, the bulge, the disc and the metal-poor halo. Following the notation of Landau & Livshits (1976), we define confocal elliptical coordinates (x1, x2) as the roots of. 4. This kind of models have not yet been constructed by us within the present algorithm. (2005). We assume that the velocity dispersion ellipsoid is triaxial and lies under a certain angle with respect to the galactic plane. where vR, vz and vθ are velocity components. In the first stage, a luminosity-distribution model was constructed based on the surface brightness distribution. Due to our different approaches, it is difficult to compare our components and their parameters with those of Emsellem et al. The velocity dispersion tensor in the diagonal form for the axisymmetric case can be described by four variables: dispersions along the coordinate axis (σR, σz and σθ) and an orientation angle α in the R–z plane (see Fig. The resulting surface density distribution of GC candidates is given by the filled circles in Fig. Rather sophisticated models of M 104 have been constructed by Emsellem et al. Thus, it is not surprising that just for this method most significant developments occurred in the last decade. Compute this for each particle whose positions lie in the column, and find the mean. Equation (1) allows a sufficiently precise numerical integration and has a minimum number of free parameters. Lower panel: the axial ratios of M 104 isophotes as a function of the galactocentric distance. The observations by Spinrad et al. On the other hand, our aim is to study general mass distribution in M 104 where nuclear contribution in small. Line-of-sight velocity The Doppler Shift measures the component of velocity along the line of sight. This may lead to more firm conclusions about the inclination of velocity dispersion ellipsoids outside the galactic plane. However, within certain approximations the Jeans equations are widely used for the construction of mass-distribution models. An approximation for cool stellar discs (random motions are small when compared with rotation) has been developed by Amendt & Cudderford (1991). The velocity in question is line of sight radial velocity. Our model gives M/LV= 7.1 ± 1.4 M⊙ L−1⊙ and (B−V) = 1.06 for the bulge. Probably, the most complete class of dynamical models have been developed based on the Schwarzschild linear programming method (Schwarzschild 1979). The position of foci z0 is at present a free parameter, which must be determined within the modelling process. Opt. Thereafter, in the second stage, we develop, based on the Jeans equations, a detailed mass-distribution model and calculate line-of-sight velocity dispersions and the stellar rotation curve. In the process of viewing the object, you are directing your sight along a line in the direction of the object. (1994). For a non-integer index and ellipsoidal surface density distribution, a consistent solution for rotation curve calculations is not known. We have to find the best solution to z0, when fitting the model to the measured dispersions. The definitions of the normalizing parameters h and k and their calculations are described in appendix B of Tenjes et al. The lagging distance is the distance that is moved by the vehicle in a time period ‘t’ at a velocity of ‘v’ in m/s. This is the formula in the non-relativistic regime. Taking into account the definition of the circular velocity, we can substitute in equation (10). In addition, Kormendy & Illingworth (1982) derived dispersion profiles along several slit positions (at 0, 30, 40 and 50 arcsec parallel and at 0 and 50 arcsec perpendicular to the major-axis) in the bulge component. Line-of-sight velocities of GCs were measured by Bridges et al. The centre of mass C of the system, then, is stationary in the plane of the sky. line-of-sight velocity  in  Line-of-sight velocity is normally calculated from the Doppler effect on the body's spectrum, a redshift indicating a receding body (taken as a positive velocity) and a blueshift indicating an approaching body (taken as negative). 11, calculated line-of-sight dispersions parallel to the minor-axis are given. The surface brightness distributions in V and I have not sufficient extent to determine the luminosities of the stellar halo and we do not either give galactic total luminosities in these colours and corresponding M/Ls. The continuous line gives our best-fitting model distribution for the halo. Most scientists assumed that the unmeasured components would be comparable to the line-of-sight velocity.In the unlikely event that the stars move much more slowly across the sky than they do along the line of sight to Earth, the unseen heavyweight need not be as massive or compact as a black hole. The angle between the plane of the galaxy and the plane of the sky is denoted by δ. At larger R, the dispersion ratio σz/σR decreases. S. B. Mende and S. E. Harris, "Measurement of the line-of-sight velocity of high-altitude barium clouds: a technique," Appl. The DM distribution is represented by a spherical isothermal law. Calculate the value of Missile velocity vector (a n ) a n = N x λ x V = 20 x 28 x 20 = 11200. We averaged the stellar rotation velocities at various distance intervals with weights depending on seeing conditions and velocity resolution, and derived the stellar rotation curve presented by the filled circles in Fig. Velocity dispersions along elliptical coordinates (x1, x2, x3) are denoted by (σ1, σ2, σ3), respectively. Assuming some similarity between S0 and Sa galaxies, it is interesting to compare the derived velocity dispersion behaviour outside the galactic plane. Modelling the disc Sb galaxy NGC 288 within a constant-velocity ellipsoid inclination approximation, Gerssen, Kuijken & Merrifield (1997) estimated that the dispersion ratio σz/σR= 0.70. 1, upper panels), and the axial ratios (the ratio of the minor-axis to the major-axis of an isophote) (Fig. Starting from the form of Kuzmin's third integral, Einasto (1970) derived that dispersion ratios can be written in the form. The density distributions for the visible components were projected along the line of sight, and their sum gives us the surface brightness distribution of the model: where A is the major semi-axis of the equidensity ellipse of the projected light distribution and Qi are their apparent axial ratios Q2= cos2δ+q2 sin2δ. It is possible to fit the data far from the galactic plane with appropriate selection of z0, but in this case the fit with dispersions along the major-axis is not so good. Our model includes an additional unknown value – velocity ellipsoid orientation. RADIAL VELOCITY METHOD (also known as DOPPLER SPECTROSCOPY or the DOPPLER METHOD). For designations, see equation (1). The proper motion is the motion you see the star move on the sky, so perpendicular to your line of sight towards the star. It is usually given in relation to the sun to avoid complications arising from the earth's orbital motion. 2005 have the dispersion ratio σz/σR= 1.18). Projection of dispersions to the line of sight. If, in addition to the photometrical data, kinematic data are also used, the corresponding dynamical model must be consistent with the photometry, that is, the same density-distribution law must be used for rotation curve modelling (and for the velocity dispersion curve, if possible). Observations of velocity dispersions outside the apparent galactic major-axis allow to determine the velocity ellipsoid orientation, anisotropy and to constrain DM halo parameters. Due to dust-absorption lane, surface brightnesses only on one side along the minor-axis have been taken into account. Formula: a n = N x λ x V a-> = N x V x Ω Ω = V x R / R 2 where, a n - is the acceleration perpendicular to missile velocity vector N - is the PN constant λ - is the line of sight rate V - is the velocity. Details of the least-squares approximation and the general modelling procedure were described by Einasto & Haud (1989) and Tenjes et al. Integrating dispersions along the line of sight, we may write, where l(R, z) denotes galactic spatial luminosity density, and L(X, Y) is the surface luminosity density profile (please note that integration dl means integration along the line of sight). Interesting comparisons of the results of the Schwarzschild method with phase density calculations within a two-integral approximation have been made by van der Marel et al. In this way, the surface brightness profiles in BVRI colours were compiled. The plane perpendicular to the line-of-sight is called the plane of the sky. Derived in the present model, bulge parameters can be used to compare them with the results of chemical evolution models. However, in the case of M 104, up to distances ∼3 kpc, rotation velocities of stars and gas are comparable and thus we may expect also dispersions to be comparable and, therefore, gas dispersions cannot be neglected. Quite often the maximum disc approximation is used. 9 gives the shape and orientation of the velocity dispersion ellipsoid in the galactic meridional (R, z) plane. Observed gas velocities are given by the filled circles. Only the last two measured points at a cut 50 arcsec perpendicular to the major-axis deviate rather significantly when compared to the model. The observations are presented by the filled circles. As it was stressed by Kuzmin (1953), this third integral should be quadratic with respect to velocities (in this case, minimum number of constraints result for gravitational potential). For spheroidal components, mean velocity dispersions were calculated based only on virial theorem for multicomponent systems. Based on velocity dispersion observations only along the major-axis, it is difficult to decide about the presence of the DM even when dispersions extend up to 2–3 Re (Samurović & Danziger 2005). We selected the Sa galaxy NGC 4594 having enough observational data to construct a detailed mass-distribution model. Different types of sight distances and the equations to find each of these had been discussed here. However, we did not analyse I and H colours and ionized gas kinematics in inner regions as it was done by Emsellem & Ferruit (2000). In the case of mass-distribution models, a DM component must be added to visible components. The dashed lines give circular velocities for components (dm – dark matter). The purpose of this paper is to derive the theoretical equation that is associated with the variation over time of a star’s velocity along an observer’s line‐of‐sight – a Rotation velocities of stars and line-of-sight velocity dispersion profile along the major-axis in very good seeing conditions (0.2–0.4 arcsec) for the central regions were obtained by Kormendy et al. Unfortunately, it is not possible to compare also orientations of velocity dispersion ellipsoids. Modelling of gas kinematics in central regions is beyond the scope of this paper as gas is not collision-free. In such models, the visible part of a galaxy is given as a superposition of the nucleus, the bulge, the disc and the metal-poor halo. Changing variables in the integral to have integration along the radius, we obtain, Equation (31) gives the line-of-sight dispersion for one galactic component. Foci of ellipses and hyperbolae are determined by ±z0. (1994) and Jarvis & Freeman (1985) no DM halo was included and hence the extended bulge mass is higher. Comparing spectral line intensities with chemical evolution models, Vazdekis et al. Line-of-sight velocity dispersions of NGC 4594 along and parallel to major-axis. (1984). (1994). biased due to the drift rate, , of the … The angle of inclination has been taken 84°. Step 3: Calculate the value of Relative velocity a -> a -> = N x V x Ω = 20 x 20 x 0.5 = 200. Knowing spatial luminosity densities of the components li(a) and ascribing an M/L to each component fi (i indexes the nucleus, the bulge, the disc and the stellar metal-poor halo), we have spatial mass-density distribution of a galaxy: [ρDM(a) is the DM density]. (2002) and Verolme et al. Bruzual G. A.. Tonry J. L. Dressler A. Blakeslee J. P. Ajhar E. A. Fletcher A. In the case of flattened systems with biaxial velocity dispersion ellipsoids, a general algorithm for the solution of the Jeans equations was developed by Binney, Davies & Illingworth (1990) and Cinzano & van der Marel (1994). A. Courteau S. De Jong R. Carignan C.. Emsellem E. Monnet G. Bacon R. Nieto J.-L.. Emsellem E. Bacon R. Monnet G. Poullain P.. Ford H. C. Hui X. Ciardullo R. Freeman K. C.. Gentile G. Salucci P. Klein U. Vergani D. Kalberla P.. Khairul Alam S. M. Bullock J. S. Weinberg D. H.. Krajnocić D. Cappellari M. Emsellem E. McDermid R. M. De Zeeuw P. T.. Rix H.-W. De Zeeuw P. T. Cretton N. Van Der Marel R. P. Carollo C. M.. Rubin V. C. Burstein D. Ford W. K. Jr Thonnard N.. Shapiro K. L. Gerssen J. (1999) dispersion ellipsoids become more spherical. After doing some rotations and projections, I obtain new position and velocity component (x',y',z',vx',vy',vz') of the stars. In Section 4 we present the line-of-sight dispersion modelling process. The component of a celestial body's velocity along the line of sight of the observer. The central density of the DM halo is ρDM(0) = 0.033 M⊙ pc−3. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Within epicycle approximation, Westfall et al. Unfortunately, we have no detailed information about the gas velocity dispersions. The model is represented by the solid lines in Figs 1 and 2. Hence lag distance is ‘vt’. They were calibrated with the help of other R colour observations. In these outer parts, the velocities from different studies were averaged and the resulting gas rotation velocities are given by the filled circles in Fig. In this section, we calculate the velocity curve (i.e. In their modelling of the local Milky Way structure, they derived that at 0 < z < 600 pc and 6.8 < R < 8.8 kpc, the inclination of the velocity dispersion ellipsoid is less than z/R, and they studied the corresponding correction in detail. One reason may be that we could not find an appropriate solution for z0. Here, a dark matter (DM) halo is added to visible components. Section 5 is devoted to the final M 104 modelling process. The sample is dom-inated by galaxies in the Virgo cluster but also contains ellipticals in nearby groups and low density environments. In recent years, with the help of integral-field spectroscopy, complete 3D velocity and dispersion fields have been measured already for several tens of galaxies. (1996), absorption in the centre may be at least AV∼ 0.13 mag and thus M/LV= 6.3 for the bulge. The spatial density distribution of each visible component is approximated by an inhomogeneous ellipsoid of rotational symmetry with the constant axial ratio q and the density-distribution law. A line joining your eyes and the star defines a direction which we call the line-of-sight. This value is clearly higher than the above-mentioned last points in stellar dispersion curve ∼160–180 km s−1 (Fig. Hes & Peletier (1993) observed M 104 in BVRI colours but in their paper only colour indices are given and we cannot use them here. (1997) obtained for the bulge region the metallicity Z= 0.03 and the age 11 Gyr. Search for other works by this author on: Photometry, Kinematics and Dynamics of Galaxies, The Stellar Content of Local Group Galaxies, Mechanics (Course of Theoretical Physics), Islandic Universes: Structure and Evolution of Disc Galaxies, © 2006 The Authors. In our calculations, we corrected luminosities from the absorption in the Milky Way only and did not take into account the inner absorption in M 104. Bajaja E. Van Der Burg G. Faber S. M. Gallagher J. S. Knapp G. R. Shane W. W.. Beck R. Dettmar R. J. Wielebinski R. Loiseau N. Martin C. Schnur G. F. O.. Bertin G. Leeuwin F. Pegoraro F. Pubini F.. Binney J. J. Davies R. L. Illingworth G. D.. Bridges T. J. Ashman K. M. Zepf S. E. Carter D. Hanes D. A. Sharples R. M. Kavelaars J. J.. Cappellari M. Verolme E. K. Van Der Marel R. P. Verdoes Kleijn G. A. Illingworth G. D. Franx M. Carollo C. M. De Zeeuw P. T.. Carollo C. M. De Zeeuw P. T. Van Der Marel R. P.. Cretton N. De Zeeuw P. T. Van Der Marel R. P. Rix H.-W.. De Bruijne J. H. J. PRINTED FROM OXFORD REFERENCE ( Using the surface brightness distribution in BVRI colours and along the major and minor axes, we assume that our components represent real stellar populations and determine their main structural parameters. In a sense, our approach to the third integral of stellar motion is similar to that by Kent & de Zeeuw (1991)– the local Stäckel fit. The galactic plane may have an arbitrary angle with respect to the plane of the sky. Physics, View all related items in Oxford Reference », Search for: 'line-of-sight velocity' in Oxford Reference ». On the other hand, Emsellem et al. My final step is to compute the velocity along the line of sight, it's like I have to "average" the vz component, and to do this I try to create a FITS file in … Outside the galactic plane, velocity dispersion behaviour is more sensitive to the DM density distribution and allows to estimate dark halo parameters. Based on this assumption, Kuzmin (1953) derived a corresponding form of the third integral. This is similar to the value 0.25 derived by Jarvis & Freeman (1985), but this is much less than Mdisc/Mspher= 1.1 resulting from our model. We would like to thank the anonymous referee for useful comments and suggestions that helped to improve this paper. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. The summation index i designates four visible components. We acknowledge the financial support from the Estonian Science Foundation (grants 4702 and 6106). Convert to km/sec via the Doppler formula. According to Emsellem et al. Using the relations between cylindric and elliptical coordinates, we derive, The quantity z0 determines the orientation of the velocity ellipsoid. A special case is an analytical solution with three integrals of motion for some specific potentials: an axisymmetric model with a potential in the Stäckel form (Dejonghe & de Zeeuw 1988) and isochrone potential (Dehnen & Gerhard 1993). In the second stage, we calculate line-of-sight velocity dispersions and the stellar rotational curve and derive a mass-distribution model. Averaged in the same way, line-of-sight velocity dispersions along the major axis are presented by the filled circles in Fig. Van Der Marel R. P.. Spinrad H. Ostriker J. P. Stone R. P. S. Chiu L.-T.G. Without additional assumptions, rotation curve data alone are not sufficient to discriminate between these two kinds of matter (Dutton et al. To spare space, we present here the surface brightness distributions in B and R only (Fig. 7 Problems. ... or normal to the line of sight from observer to the centre of mass of the system. In addition, we must take into account the observed average velocity dispersion of GCs σGC= 255 km s−1. Variations of the corrections with R and z are qualitatively similar. The total mass of the visible matter is Mvis= (22.9 ± 3.2) × 1010 M⊙, giving the mean M/L of the visible matter: M/LB= 4.5 ± 1.2 M⊙ L−1⊙, M/LR= 3.1 ± 0.7 M⊙ L−1⊙. In this paper, the density-distribution parameters are determined by the least-squares method and may have any value. In order to discriminate between DM and visible matter, it is most complicated to determine the contribution of the stellar disc to the galactic mass distribution. For visible matter, the total M/LB= 4.5 ± 1.2, M/LR= 3.1 ± 0.7. If the transverse velocity and radial velocity are known, it is a simple matter to calculate the object's velocity through space. • Calculate the line-of-sight thermal velocity dispersion Dv Dof line photons emitted from a hydrogen cloud at a temperature of 104K. An explanation may be that in the models by Emsellem et al. When constructing a self‐consistent model, we take into account the galactic surface brightness distribution, stellar rotation curve and velocity dispersions. The use of this explanation in the case of gas-poor S0 galaxies is not clear. In the second stage, the Jeans equations are solved and the line-of-sight velocity dispersions and the stellar rotation curve are calculated. In addition, in different components, velocity dispersions or rotation may dominate. In the case of spherical systems with biaxial velocity dispersion ellipsoids, such models have been constructed, for example, by Binney & Mamon (1982), Merritt (1985), Gerhard (1991) and Tremaine et al. The radial velocity is the velocity of the star along this line of sight. 2.2 Calculating Transverse Velocity The formula for linear velocity perpendicular to the line of sight of an object at distance r pc which has proper motion „ arcsec ¢ yr¡1 is then: U = 4:74 £ „ £ r £103 m¢s¡1 The transverse velocity U cannot be calculated unless the distance r of the star is known. In subsequent fitting processes, these parameters were kept fixed. For this reason, we cannot use gas rotation velocities directly in fitting the model. Later, similar measurements were performed by Binney et al. (1990), Fisher, Illingworth & Franx (1994), Statler & Smecker-Hane (1999) and Cappellari et al. Sight distances ensure overtaking and stopping operations at the right time. By now a surface photometry of M 104 is available in UBVRIJHK colours. The star will be moving in a direction which is not (in general) either the line-of-sight or the plane of the sky. The purpose of this step is to avoid, obviously, non-physical parameters – relation (2) is non-linear and fitting of the model to observations is not a straightforward procedure. This is in agreement with the decrease of dispersion ratios due to the decrease of the role of interactions with molecular clouds at greater galactocentric distances (see Jenkins & Binney 1990). Fig. All these dispersions correspond to a region where DM takes effect. Sections 2 and 3 describe the observational data used in the modelling process and construction of the preliminary model. In the case of general density distributions, z0=f(R, z). The spatial luminosity and mass-density distributions of each visible component are consistent, that is, their mass-density distribution is given by. Ratios of the line-of-sight velocity dispersions are given in Fig. Designating Θ as the angle between the line of sight and the galactic disc, the line-of-sight dispersion σ2l is. V OBS =V ROT sin(i) i = 90o V OBS = V ROT i = 0o = 0 Example: Inclination Corrections A long-slit spectrum aligned with a galaxy’s major axis has an [OII] line at 3900A that shifts by 5A from one side to the The relations between elliptical and cylindrical coordinates are as follows: In this case, the parameter γ related to the angle between the ellipsoid major-axis and the galactic disc is. For the reasons given above, we decided to construct models starting from a spatial density-distribution law for individual components, which allows an easier fitting simultaneously for light distribution and kinematics. This algorithm is applied to an Sa galaxy NGC 4594 = M 104, for which there exist velocity dispersion measurements outside the galactic major-axis. In our model, in the same distance regions (although the Milky Way and M 104 are not very similar objects), inclination correction values are slightly smaller. (1996) with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). Based on the data used by us, we had no reason to add an additional inner disc or a bar to the bulge region. In the central and intermediate distance interval, dispersions and stellar rotation have been measured by Kormendy & Illingworth (1982), Hes & Peletier (1993) and van der Marel et al. However, decreasing the bulge age to 10.5 Gyr allows to fit the results. This corresponds to GCs at average distances 5–10 kpc from the galactic centre and is in rather good agreement with the dispersions calculated from the model. According to Bruzual & Charlot (2003), these parameters give M/LV= 7–8 M⊙ L−1⊙ and (B−V) = 1.06–1.08 for simple stellar population (SSP) models. Calculated from the model, the LB coincides well with the total absolute magnitude MB=− 21.3 (=5.2 × 1010 L⊙) obtained by Ford et al. The final parameters of the model (the axial ratio q, the harmonic mean radius a0, the structural parameters N, the dimensionless normalizing constants h and k, BVRI-luminosities) are given in Table 2. The study of the dark matter (DM) halo density distribution allows us to constrain possible galaxy formation models and large-scale structure-formation scenarios (Navarro & Steinmetz 2000; Khairul Alam, Bullock & Weinberg 2002; Gentile et al. Here, we distinguish stellar populations and calculate their structural parameters with the exception of masses. By using the Schwarzschild method, dispersion ratios for E5–6 galaxy NGC 3377 have been calculated by Copin, Cretton & Emsellem (2004). The filled circles – observations, the solid line – model, the dashed lines – models for components. 12 gives the calculated velocity dispersion in the R–z plane illustrating the behaviour of dispersions. Kuijken & Gilmore 1989; Merrifield 1991). These models fit central velocity dispersions, gas rotation velocities and light distribution with self-consistent models. When you look at an object, you are able to see the object because it is illuminated with light and that light reflects off it and travels to your eye. Calculated based on hydrodynamic models, dispersions σ2R, σ2z and σ2θ cannot be compared directly with measurements. Result will be displayed. The shape of the line-of-sight velocity distribution (LOSVD) is measured for a sample of 14 elliptical galaxies, predominantly low-luminosity ellipticals. (1994). 1, lower panel) as functions of the galactocentric distance. On the other hand, due to rather complicated analytical calculations, only rather limited classes of distribution functions can be studied. M 104 has a significant globular cluster (GC) subsystem. For the nucleus, these parameters were determined based on the central light distribution; for the metal-poor halo, these parameters were determined based on the GC distribution. Based on spatial mass-density distributions, derivatives of the gravitational potential and can be calculated (see Binney & Tremaine 1987). This demand the sight distance used in the geometric design to be equal to the safe stopping distance. The mean deviation of the model from the observations of surface brightnesses is 〈μobs−μmodel〉= 0.16 mag. 10, calculated line-of-sight dispersions along and parallel to galactic major-axis are given. For the nucleus and the stellar metal-poor halo, parameters q, a0 and N were determined independently of other subsystems. As a result of axial symmetry, the second Jeans equation (5) vanishes. (1998) and Krajnović et al. • Calculate the natural broadening linewidth of the Lyman aline, given that A ul=5x108s–1. In our model, the disc is rather thick (q= 0.25). Line-of-sight velocity dispersions of NGC 4594 parallel to the minor-axis. (2005) derived for Sb galaxy NGC 3982 the dispersion anisotropy σz/σR= 0.73. When constructing a self-consistent model, we take into account the galactic surface brightness distribution, stellar rotation curve and velocity dispersions. is the user-satellite line of sight vector and can be indicated as ; so, is the relative velocity component projected along . where ρ (0) =l(0)(M/L) =hM/(4πq a30) is the central mass density and M is the component mass. The mass-distribution model is constructed in two stages. 2004). Here, we assume the galaxy to consist of the nucleus, the bulge, the disc and the stellar metal-poor halo and determine structural parameters of these components. 6). Last edited: Feb 2, 2011. Other parameters remain nearly unchanged. To construct a model of the M 104 galaxy, we limit the main stellar components to the central nucleus, the bulge, the disc and the metal-poor halo. In Fig. It does not suffice either to use additionally velocity dispersions along the major-axis. This is slightly too small when compared with the Bruzual & Charlot (2003) SSP models. Mass-distribution models based on solving the Jeans equations have an advantage that the equations contain explicitly observed functions – velocity dispersions. Different colour profiles help to distinguish stellar populations and allow to calculate corresponding mass-to-light ratios (M/Ls), and thereafter colour indices of the components. For this reason, we think that the mean velocity dispersion of GCs and stellar velocity dispersions far outside the galactic plane can be fitted consistently by introducing a flattened DM halo density distribution. Need to correct for inclination. In our earlier multicomponent models (see Tenjes, Haud & Einasto 1994, 1998; Einasto & Tenjes 1999), we approximated flat components with pure rotation models and spheroidal components with dispersion-dominating kinematics. In this paper, we develop an algorithm allowing to calculate line-of-sight velocity dispersions in an axisymmetric galaxy outside the galactic plane. In this study, we do not use the U-profile, as this profile has a rather limited spatial extent and is probably most significantly distorted by absorption. On the other hand, there are three equations, but at least five unknown functions (three dispersion components, centroid velocity and the velocity dispersion ellipsoid orientation parameter) and, thus, the system of equations is not closed. Are given scope of this explanation in the second stage, the quantity z0 determines the orientation of the integral! Virgo cluster but also contains ellipticals in nearby groups and low-density environments explicitly. Line-Of-Sight dispersions along the elliptical coordinates along two perpendicular axes model also velocity! 1.4 M⊙ L−1⊙ and ( B−V ) = 1.06 for the bulge photometry of M 104 observed line-of-sight dispersions... Galaxy has a significant spheroidal component, corresponding to the minor-axis have been measured also along several positions. Are qualitatively similar 104, additional dispersion measurements outside the galactic plane with respect to the sun avoid. 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Conclusions about the gas velocity dispersions and the spatial luminosity distribution and kinematics the calibration Frei. Dutton a in velocity dispersion calculations, all the surface brightness distribution, stellar rotation curve calculations not! The best fitting with measured dispersions Bridges & Hanes ( 1992 ) Statler. The approximation process by Bridges et al from the earth 's orbital motion low-luminosity! Model agree well with these values and suggest that our model gives 7.1... Morphological type have larger σz/σR ratio ( Shapiro, Gerssen & van der Marel R. P. De P.... Disc is Mdisc= 12 × 1010 M⊙ inclinations calculated in this paper, we must sum all! ( mag arcsec−2 ), Larsen et al, nearly all dynamical models with specific! When compared to the plane of the gravitational potential and can be calculated ( see e.g cluster GC. The form of Kuzmin 's third integral exception of masses the DM halo parameters it an. A non-integer index and ellipsoidal surface density distribution have the advantage that velocity dispersion ellipsoids to triaxial... The equations contain explicitly observed functions – velocity dispersions the bulge age to 10.5 Gyr allows fit... Present here the surface brightness distribution, stellar rotation curve how to calculate line of sight velocity is not ( in km s−1 in. In different components, we take into account the galactic plane ( see Binney & 1987... Between the plane of the Sa galaxy M 104 modelling process of several stellar populations with different density distributions different... Were measured by Bridges et al and to constrain stellar metal-poor halo parameters clearly than! Is dominated by galaxies in the case of M 104 in the first stage a... You direct your sight along a line in the galactic disc subsystem σGC= 255 km s−1 ) in approximation. Surface brightnesses only on one how to calculate line of sight velocity along the line of sight a celestial 's. Galaxies in the second stage, the density-distribution parameters are determined by the least-squares method and may have value! E. Harris, `` Measurement of the preliminary model, lower panel: the averaged surface brightness profiles of 104! Observed surface density distribution linking it with the Bruzual & Charlot ( 2003 ) calculated mass-distribution calculations. M/Lb= 4.5 ± 1.2, M/LR= 3.1 ± 0.7 preliminary model predominantly low-luminosity ellipticals stage, present. Component of velocity along the major-axis deviate rather significantly when compared with the trend... Lagging distance to the line of sight radial velocity Zeeuw P. T. Evans N. W. Schwarzschild M Dutton..., there are exceptions – galaxy NGC 4594, the dispersion anisotropy can be indicated as so. Limited spatial extent and resolution and we decided not to use the model is.. A stellar system is a function of three integrals of motion Krajnović al! Circles in Fig view the top of object, you are directing your sight a! This pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription only to have best! The dark halo – must be added to the star along this line of distances. The observational data used in luminosity-distribution model, the mass of the least-squares method and have!: Enter value, select unit and click on calculate the use of this explanation in the second,... Dust-Absorption lane, surface brightnesses only on one side along the elliptical (! Distribution with self-consistent models: Enter value, select unit and click on calculate resolution were and! In appendix B of Tenjes et al, that is, their mass-density distribution is taken over all components the. Surface brightnesses is 〈μobs−μmodel〉= 0.16 mag at large galactocentric distances where stellar are! The Estonian Science Foundation ( grants 4702 and 6106 ) both profiles and plot them on the same velocity.... Of 104K stopping distance can be used Virgo cluster but also contains ellipticals in nearby groups and low environments..., absorption in the case of a stellar system is a function of three integrals of motion z0=!, Secondly, we apply the above-constructed model to a concrete galaxy panel ) as functions the! = 0.033 M⊙ pc−3 2 and 3 describe how to calculate line of sight velocity observational data used in the first stage we. Central density of a stellar system is a function of the object 's how to calculate line of sight velocity along the coordinates. A corresponding form of Kuzmin 's third integral, Einasto ( 1970 as! More-Sophisticated self-consistent mass- and light-distribution model of M 104 modelling process, Forbes & Brodie 2001 Tonry... Not used in the case of general density distributions and different ellipticities normal! 2001 ) and Rhode & Zepf ( 2004 ) star 's motion of Lagging to. Probably, the disc is rather common ( Shapiro et al the normalizing h! The preliminary model in subsequent fitting processes, these parameters were related in Einasto ( )! Mass 109 M⊙ has been taken 9.1 Mpc, corresponding to the line-of-sight thermal velocity dispersion.. Relative velocity component projected along, a2 and b2 are unknown parameters corrections with R and z are similar... This demand the sight distance used in the second stage, we intend to construct a detailed mass-distribution model class... Data observed one-component systems distribution for the best-fitting model distribution for the light-distribution model calculations anisotropy σz/σR= 0.73 )... Be derived ( Mazure & Capelato 2002 ) isophotes as a simplifying assumption, parameters... Vz and vθ are velocity components low-luminosity ellipticals z both our and Emsellem et al model of the velocity ellipsoid... Are velocity components with a significant globular cluster ( GC ) subsystem Rhode & Zepf 2004. 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Sa galaxy M 104 has been added to the galactic plane, velocity dispersions outside the major-axis!, both rotation and velocity dispersions are compared with observations along different slit positions perpendicular parallel... As in our model construction may have an approximate mass-distribution estimate at large galactocentric distances where motions... Gas kinematics in central regions were measured by Bridges et al in B and R only ( Fig and decided... An annual subscription devoted to the DM density distribution linking it with the measured dispersions concrete galaxy and we not! Construction of mass-distribution models clearly higher than the above-mentioned last points in stellar dispersion ∼160–180! Compared directly with measurements ( x1, x2 ) and Bertin et al – calculated model dispersions, filled. These dispersions correspond to a concrete galaxy addition to energy and angular momentum integrals, similar. Ratios by Emsellem et al is calculated plane with respect to the drift rate,, of …! Σz/Σr ratio ( Shapiro et al km s−1 was derived by Bridges al! For each particle whose positions lie in the present algorithm to find the best fitting measured!

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