flat character example in harry potter

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Examples of Flat Characters from Literature: In Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, Juliet's mother is a flat character. Her sole purpose is to try and convince Juliet to marry Paris. But, Hagrid plays a crucial role in the story. She is loving and caring towards Hamlet, but inside she is weak and oblivious. Character types an literature: writing guide a research guide for. To avoid boring and overwhelming their readers, writers often have to get creative when it comes to the revelation of important information. 26. He is someone Harry can go to and trust. Someone in whom the central character confides, thus revealing the main character’s … He was the only child and son of James and Lily Potter (née Evans), both members of the original Order of the Phoenix. Most flat characters, while different in the details, are the same at their core. Published: September 7th 2015. Round Characters Defined. He is a round character, and also a dynamic character. A round character is any character that is developed. Shakespeare has a solid example of a flat character in Gertrude from Hamlet. He is a round character, and also a dynamic character. Dynamic vs. Static character definitions and examples | education. Harry James Potter is the main character in J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter fantasy series. Dracula is a nobleman who is also a vampire. They are not fleshed out. The world of Harry Potter is a complex and expertly crafted story. Gertrude doesn’t understand why Hamlet is opposed to her marriage. Also known as a two-dimensional character. Most of the minor characters in harry potter are pretty flat. In Harry Potter, Madam Pomfrey works in the Hogwarts Hospital Wing, and she is “a nice woman, but very strict.” (HP Ch.17). Examples of flat characters in literature include Crabbe and Goyle in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series and Elizabeth Proctor in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. The breaking of the curse would have gone through unhindered if it hadn’t been for Gaston and his attempt to kill the beast. If these characters were to be complex and detailed with emotions and backstories, readers would be getting invested in the wrong people. A story doesn’t go down in history for being plain or boring. Hermione … She never grows from this. Static or flat character. Practice writing your flat characters to know how to become a better writer. They are not interesting, but they advance the plot in an important way. Though she is weak, she serves to advance the plot by being a pawn for Claudius and Polonius. Unless the evil character is a significant part of the story, they shouldn’t change much. For example, in the Harry Potter series, Neville Longbottom is a boy the same age as Harry but is known for being forgetful and clumsy. All it means is that they are one-dimensional and not terribly interesting. We take her for what she is. So, don’t be afraid to include some flat characters. Mrs. Granger. The story follows a complex and interesting plot, but Dracula is not a complicated character. This list ranks the female characters of Harry Potter on screen in order of character development, from the borderline neglected to the palpably real. They usually don’t go through any substantial change or growth throughout the story. : Static Character: A static character’s personality does not change throughout the piece of work, and save for the initial introduction, there is not much to learn about such a character. There are This is all we know about him, however, and he never redeems himself. Classics are classics for a reason. Literary foils, called foils from here on out, are: "another character in a story who contrasts with the main character, usually to highlight one of their attributes" (cite). This is not always the case. Familiarizing yourself with examples will help you learn how to become a better writer, too. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? Seven years is a long time for people to grow up and change, and of course none of the Harry Potter characters ended up exactly the same as when we first met them (aside from Hagrid, of course, the old reliable! basically the journey a character undertakes over the course of a story The Ally: Ron Weasley. Another example of a flat character could be seen in the film "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" in the character of Filch. How racist is Harry Potter? All he ever aspires to do is suck blood and turn people into vampires. He is accused by some of being hot-headed and having a bad attitude. For example - the overbearing mother, annoying cousin, competitive coworker. As we learn more about his family situation, we see how much it affects him as a person. His feelings, personality, and history are slowly revealed. Sets are implemented by using a hash table as an underlying data structure. His best friend, Ronald Weasley, is described as… white, with red hair. Another example of a flat character could be seen in the film "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" in the character of Filch. 916. Next, Vernon Dursley , who is Harry’s Muggle uncle. Examples of flat characters in literature include Crabbe and Goyle in J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series and Elizabeth Proctor in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. These characters have a limited scope of perspective and opinions. How long will the footprints on the moon last? A literary character is considered flat when the character only has a simple personality and the writer does not give the reader enough information about the character. The main character is, of course, the biggest focus. Dynamic Character – Meaning and Examples. Who is the flat character in Harry Potter? She remains this way throughout the entire story, never experiencing redemption or growth. A static character is one that does not undergo inner changes, or undergoes a little change. They can also be used to reveal pertinent information to the protagonist specifically. Readers are not emotionally invested in them and probably don’t care much about what happens to them. as they are only mentioned once or twice. We could all have been killed - or worse, expelled. " Harry Potter. They are all characters who have appeared in a Harry Potter -related book by J. K. Rowling. Harry soon learns that he is already famous in the world of wizards. Herald characters typically appear at the beginning of the hero's journey as part of what Campbell calls the "Call to Adventure." A flat character is not as interesting as its opposite, the round character. (If you don’t know what a Muggle is, click here ) Vernon is a flat and static character. They understand where they fit into the story and why they are there. Because the mission/adventure is too difficult for Harry to tackle alone, he … They are Draco Malfoy's Slytherin friends, but we do not learn much about them and they are just there to be his sidekicks. Harry, as we all know, is the main character in this story, since it’s his story. This is Dracula’s only goal. Some place them in a bad light as characters who are poorly written and not well thought out. Firstly, Harry Potter himself. Knowing them will help you learn how to write a novel and how to become a better writer in general. If these “quest givers” became dynamic and grew and changed throughout the story, the story would be about them. And a flat character they are not. Her appearance does change, but she herself remains the same. A round character is any character that is developed. Harry's birth was overshadowed by a prophecy, naming either himself or Neville Longbottom as the one with the power to vanquish Lord Voldemort. CONFIDANTE. Part of this is their clever and effective use of flat characters. From there, he helps and advances the plot in several ways, but he never changes. Not only do these classics give us timeless, well-told stories, but they show how good books are written. When you know how to write a flat character, you are on your way to learning how to write a book. This quote shows Professor Snape’s dry wit and sarcasm, one of the many likable qualities that readers got to learn about his character in “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.” Rather than attempting to flesh out these characters, author J.K. Rowling makes them "two-dimensional," or flat. Neville Longbottom’s progression from a mere Hufflepuff to a brave, confident Gryffindor is astounding, as he emerges a mere boy and grows into a brave and courageous young man. Differentiation is … Short stories typically have one round character, while novels and plays may feature several. Hagrid is well-loved by both characters and readers. Of course, if your character is supposed to be round and it falls flat instead, this is a problem. How diverse industrial arts can benefit from the computers and internet access? Good examples of flat characters are Crabbe and Goyle in the Harry Potter series. There are a ton of magical elements in the Wizarding universe of Harry Potter that define the characters. He’s funny, as well, and willing to attempt any adventure, despite his fears. With multiple movies containing simple but memorable characters, they offer some notable examples of flat characters. Although he gets many opportunities to grow and … Set in a secret magical boarding school, the books deal with the adventures of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger’s efforts to stop the evil Lord Voldemort (aka. They advance the narrative. Foil Character in ‘Harry Potter’ Series. Who is an They remain very simple and superficial. This list ranks the female characters of Harry Potter on screen in order of character development, from the borderline neglected to the palpably real. Tools. Dracula is gracious and polite, though it doesn’t take long for Harker to realize he has been taken, prisoner. From this, we can know she is a loyal woman who loves her husband. However foils are not limited only to the main character, especially within a series that… There are many background characters in Harry Potter who are flat characters as they are only mentioned once or twice. While there are some stories focus entirely on only one or two characters, most have several that are present throughout the story. They don’t draw attention away from the. While she is the main focus of the story, Ariel is flat due to her unwavering obsession with what dwells above the surface of the ocean. He became famous in the Wizarding world after his initial encounter with Voldemort that left him an orphan and a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. If your first chapter or two is just a big list of information, no one will continue reading. Examples of Successful Flat Characters Indiana Jones – Indiana Jones Trilogy – Fedora-wearing, whip-wielding, pugnacious archeologist. So Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape are all examples of round characters. All Rights Reserved. The famous vampire from Bram Stoker’s Dracula is an example of a main character who is also a flat character. Flat characters add something to the story without drawing too much attention to themselves. I've gone through the series and picked out some of the best quotes from a few of our favorite Harry Potter characters. He is the laughable screw-up. When did organ music become associated with baseball? Seven years is a long time for people to grow up and change, and of course none of the Harry Potter characters ended up exactly the same as when we first met them (aside from Hagrid, of course, the old reliable!). shareranks.com/12713,Top-20-Most-Round-Characters-in-Harry-Potter A flat character is one with little to no development. This allows us to keep our emotional focus on the characters who have more to offer, and more story to tell. His personality is stagnant and his motivation is singular: marry Belle. This is where flat characters become useful. Magic is unable to be performed by Non-magic people (more commonly known as Muggles) which is what separates the Muggle world from the wizarding world.As a substitute for magic, Muggles use technology, but in the same sense, many wizards are ignorant of the workings of most Muggle devices, including electricity. Marked on the forehead with a lightning-shaped scar, Harry is marked also by the confrontation between good and bad magic that caused that scar: the standoff between the evil Voldemort and his parents who died to save their son. Book Writing, Improve Your Writing, Novel Writing. Firstly, Harry Potter himself. This is a list of characters in the Harry Potter series. Create compelling characters with these 3 types of character arcs. She is crucial to the story, however, as she stands in the way of Cinderella reaching her full potential in life. Harry, as we all know, is the main character in this story, since it’s his story. Harry Potter casting the Wand-Lighting Charm. Although, I would probably call Voldemort pretty flat. These characters are small and secondary but they advance the plot by sending the protagonist on a mission or job of some sort. They not only advance the plot but they do so in ways that don’t draw attention to themselves. They may not be the most interesting, but they are still valuable. Here is an example of a hash table storing the age of random "Harry Potter" characters: Key --> Value (Name) --> (Age)-----"Harry" --> 13 "Hermine" --> 13 "Dumbledore" --> 398 The readers do not learn anything else about Filch so he remains a one-dimensional or flat character. Contains a PowerPoint looking at character descriptions with the focus of Harry Potter characters. students. He is arrogant, haughty, selfish, boastful about his family, and uses his powers for devilish purposes. (If you don’t know what a Muggle is, click here ) Vernon is a flat and static character. Published in Draco Malfoy comes across as a foil character of Harry Potter. These characters are never written about in great detail. 28. Ron – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. K. Rowling “As for Ron, he is that friend who remains steadfastly by your side, through thick and thin. He also supports Romeo in going after Juliet. Harry Potter is racist and nazi. Most flat (uncomplex) characters are static (unchanged by the end of the story), but not all static characters are flat. Sherlock Holmes from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Copyright © 2020 Multiply Media, LLC. First, we have Juliet’s mother. Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, Hamlet, Prince Hal, and Neville Longbottom are just a few examples of dynamic characters. P olyjuice Polyjuice potion, or brilliant character development?. Minor Character Examples #5. ). Flat characters will have elements and traits that are recognizably stereotypical. What is a flat character? Harry Potter and Bilbo Baggins are examples of round characters. PSA: This post contains spoilers for the Harry Potter movie and book series. In the book, the character Harry Potter is described as… white, and having green eyes. - Top 20 Minor Characters In The Harry Potter Series. For example, people who live unaware of the magical world are called Muggles by witches and wizards with magical ability. Summed up in one sentence: A brilliant, cold, and intelligent... 2. So Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape are all examples of round characters. Mrs. Granger. Muggles in the Harry Potter series refer to those who show no magical ability. Though he is shallow and static, he plays a significant role as a source of conflict. Harry Potter is an example of a round character that is developed over the course of many books. She is flat because she is defined only by her unending devotion to her husband. They are present throughout all the books, but we still never learn much about them. Publish anywhere. They make an impact on the story while allowing the reader to stay focused on the main characters. - "I hope you're pleased with yourselves. The family disapproves of her husband, who has a kind heart but not a lot of money. It also allows them to stay detached and not be disappointed when the character is eventually disposed of. We know that he is a good and loyal friend to Romeo. Their Patronuses define them as much as their Hogwarts Houses and it's allowed many fans of the series to find their own versions of these to feel a little more at home in the world.. RELATED: Harry Potter: What Your Patronus Would Be, Based On Your Zodiac 28. She has determined that she will never leave him. Allows children to discuss and then write their own descriptions of 2 famous Harry Potter settings. What is the conflict of the story sinigang by marby villaceran? Privacy Policy Another example of flat character is The Crucible ‘s Elizabeth Proctor, who is a self-righteous woman, who always believes in doing something right. He soon discovers the truth: that he is actually a wizard, and that he survived an attack from an evil wizard who killed his parents. Information dumps are a well-known writing faux-pas. His other friend, Hermione Granger, is described as… white, with brown hair and blue eyes. Many people think that the term “flat character” is a criticism or description of how a character is written. The example he gives of a flat character is Mrs. Micawber in Charles Dickens’s David Copperfield (1849–50), of a round character Becky Sharp in William Thackeray’s Vanity Fair (1847–48). At the beginning of the book, Harry is an unimpressive figure: skinny, sloppy, isolated from his family, the constant victim of his cousin's bullying, and marked with a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead (the result of Voldemort's failed attempt to kill him during his infancy). What are the disadvantages of primary group? A flat character is not necessarily boring, weak, or poorly-written. Example:Mr. Filch, the caretaker of Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is a flat character, with his only undying obsession being finding students breaking school rules. However, flat characters are often easy to understand because they follow formulas that are recognizable and familiar. This includes Harry, Dumbledore, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Ginny, Neville, etc. His fiance and her friend soon arrive and become “infected” by Dracula, who sucks their blood and leaves them to also become vampires. Studying a character like this is helpful in learning how to write a novel. Another example here is Hagrid. Wizard Hitler). The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Disney Flat Characters Disney characters it's inside each one of us , we get old with it we learn very good things from it from our childhood till now , our thoughts , Read More. This article was most recently revised and updated by Adam Augustyn , Managing Editor, Reference Content. He is the laughable screw-up. Sometimes, the author just needs an interesting and creative way to get information out. - Without the stepmother and her strict, unreasonable rules, Cinderella would have had no trouble staying at the ball. The Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz is an example of what kind of character? Not as important to the story as a whole. Flat characters … Belle is slowly getting through to the beast during her time in the tower. Telling their backstory, exploring their motivations, and having them change over time would make it almost impossible to follow the story arc. Harry Potter and Freud The Trio of Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley is one of fiction's most well-known and best loved groups of characters. She has a simple personality but her role is important. The idea of a flat character comes from E.M. Forster. Antagonist A person or something who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something. © Copyright 2019 Squibler, All Rights Reserved. A round character is someone who has more facets to her/his personality than a flat character. I think Harry probably changed the most, also Dumbledore changed a lot from 1-6, he developed an evolving/strengthening relationship with Harry, and he became a strong character throughout. She would have married the prince without issue and it wouldn’t have made for a very interesting story. Throughout the harry potter series, who were the round/flat. She comes from a family that is well-off. Example: Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Severus Snape are among some of the round characters in this series. Flat characters are not an eye-catching part of the story, but still play an … Examples of flat characters 1. Even when she makes it onto the land, she still fixates on the life of humans by turning her attention to Eric. Harry Potter. For those of you that don’t know, Hermione Granger is one of the main characters in JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series. In The Hunger Games, Katniss’s mother is a healer in District 12. When used correctly, these characters play significant and important roles. This is a list of characters in the Harry Potter series. She becomes involved with him rather fast. Secondary characters are often the flat characters of the story. Indiana Jones – Indiana Jones Trilogy – Fedora-wearing, whip-wielding, pugnacious archeologist. Who was prime minister after Winston Churchill? We all know and love 'em, and now it's time to get misty-eyed remembering them. Contains a PowerPoint looking at setting descriptions with the focus of Harry Potter settings. And though he is essential to the plot, we don’t get a very deep look into his actual personality. When did Elizabeth Berkley get a gap between her front teeth? Hagrid doesn’t experience much growth. While she’s not… Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? She is loving and caring towards... Romeo and Juliet. Who is the protagonist in Harry Potter? These simple, unchanging desires coupled with his one-dimensional personality make him a flat protagonist. The characters are made flat so that the reader places their focus on the plot. If an evil side character did this it could drastically change the direction of the story. Examples of Flat Characters . Who are the famous writers in region 9 Philippines? For the majority of the third novel, all of us, including Harry, thought he was some crazy, traitorous murderer with a bone to pick with the Potter boy. Her main role in the play is to advance Paris as the man that Juliet should marry. They serve a purpose within the story - they help Malfoy carry out his schemes - but they aren’t anyone’s main focus. It is true that readers don’t tend to relate to a flat character because they are not life-like and complex. In the above example, Mrs. Micawber is known only for being devoted to her husband. Another example of these unchanging, one-dimensional flat characters that add value are the “quest-givers” in a fantasy. Harry Potter Terms and Characters The following characters and terms from the Harry Potter series are found in this lesson plan. Next, Vernon Dursley , who is Harry’s Muggle uncle. Her intentions are bad and that’s the end of it. Harry himself is a round character, but J.K. Rowling makes brilliant use of several flat characters to advance the story in unique ways. Flat Character- Usually a minor character. Her personality is basic and she is naive. A flat character that is tragic or too serious will end up being a bore. A great example of this in the Harry Potter series was the character of Sirius Black. He is a recognizable and important character. He goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to learn magic. Round characters have complex personalities that often are portrayed as conflicted or contradictory in a work. Purpose in... 3. Whatever happens in the story, she stays faithful to her husband, John Proctor. That’s a lot of white people. They are Draco Malfoy’s friends/sidekicks. Write anything. Hardly anything is revealed about her at all. Sometimes, something evil needs to take place to advance the plot. Harry James59 Potter (b. Cookie Policy In addition to using a flat character to reveal information, they are often created as an evil character that the readers aren’t supposed to like. Hagrid is central to the plot. These characters might go through a major life transition, have a coming-of-age experience, go through trials … For Voldemort, I think he was one of the flat characters, that let you see the round characters, but his relationship with Harry certainly changed. Readers are very familiar with them but don’t know much beyond their surface level personalities. Romeo and Juliet has two perfect examples of flat characters. Their unchanging state helps readers to understand the place of this character. It is a character that does not develop or grow, such as Sherlock Holmes and James Bond. They are characters that are mostly one-dimensional and don’t have a lot of backstory or depth. Also includes video links to engage the children and help them with their descriptions. Neville is a flat character. Also referred to as two-dimensional characters or flat characters, they play a supporting role to the main character. Crabbe and Goyle are both examples of a flat character. In the very beginning of the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets readers learn that he can’t wait to go back to Hogwarts and see his friends, who are his new family. Rather than spitting out tons of narration, the writer can have one of these side characters reveal some details instead. many background characters in Harry Potter who are flat characters PSA: This post contains spoilers for the Harry Potter movie and book series. Romeo and Juliet has two perfect examples of flat characters. They are all characters who have appeared in a Harry Potter -related book by J. K. Rowling. Most of the time, they also remain relatively unchanged from the beginning of the story to the end. A good example of a flat character advancing a storyline in a valuable way is Mrs. Micawber from Charles Dickens's David Copperfield. Almost every story you read will have examples of flat characters. Allows children to discuss and then write their own character descriptions. Throughout the Harry Potter books, the unlikely hero’s character gradually unfolds, as he demonstrates bravery, loyalty, kindness, and humility. Most flat (uncomplex) characters are static (unchanged by the end of the story), but not all static characters are flat. Gru is a ROUND character because we see more than one side of his personality. Hardly... Dracula. A hash table is a data structure that maps keys to values (like a dic in Python). She “wants to be where the people are” and it’s all she ever thinks about. His first job is to track Harry down after the letters aren’t working. In the Harry Potter series, for example, the initial 'lie' that Harry believes is a literal lie told to him by the Dursleys: that he is an ordinary boy whose parents died in a car crash. Hermione Granger HARRY POTTER LORD VOLDEMORT Ron Weasley Protagonist Is a leading character or one of the major characters in a drama. On the other hand, Harry’s character is humble, yet courageous, possessing good virtue, who will never use magic to harm the innocent. Squibler is the world's best writing platform. Who is the flat character in Harry Potter. This is important to remember when learning how to write a book. The books cover seven years in the life of the orphan who, on his 11th birthday, learns he is a wizard and the son of magical parents Lily and James Potter. Neville is a flat character. She has been duped by Claudius who murdered her husband and stole the throne. Worksheet is differentiated for lower ability group to make it easier for them. Most of these are younger They are not necessarily representative of the story’s value but they bring something to the table that makes the story better. Next, we have Benvolio. As a writer, you shouldn’t fear the flat characters. These characters are also remembered because of the value they add to the story. Flat or Round Static or Dynamic. Write literary text that develops interesting characters | texas. 31 July 19801) was an English half-blood2 wizard, and one of the most famous wizards of modern times. Is it normal to have the medicine come out your nose after a tonsillectomy? Joe Gargery from Great Expectations. Beyond this, however, we don’t know a lot and he remains unchanged throughout the story. An author may use a flat character as a way to reveal important details or information. He does advance the plot by trying to play peacekeeper between the families. 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