classroom management system examples

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Creating A Plan. As a teacher, you have your “own” way of doing things, from how you use visuals to how you set up your small groups. Copyright © 2020 Proud to be Primary  •  All rights reserved  •  Site Design by Emily White Designs. Your email address will not be published. Evaluate Classroom Routines; Change Procedures Whenever Necessary; This post is part of the series: Classroom Routines; Evaluate Classroom Routines. Once I better understand my students, I have a glimpse into why they are behaving in a certain way and then can respond in a more personal and appropriate manner.” -2nd Grade Teacher, “Create a sense of community in the classroom. Would you like to know step-by-step routines that put teachers back in control in just 4 weeks? Refer to classroom map when needed.) Let’s take a look at what you can do as a teacher or leader to help maintain discipline and management in your classroom. ... For example, with punch cards, students can each be working … Still, a poorly organized resource room or self-contained classroom will be just as unproductive and chaotic as a general education classroom … Each time I make sure it is exactly how it should be and if it’s not, we practice again. It used to be that a teacher stood in front of a class … Optimize classroom seating: When students choose their own seats, they’re three times more likely … -Elyse. “Be specific in your expectations and be firm. Classroom management systems should be evaluated by their ability to promote self-regulation of behavior, reduce the incidence of misbehavior and maximize student productivity. This helps the kids get to know each other and find things they have in common. You can call it classroom management or behavior management – I use the terms interchangeably. Accessed July 23, 2020. This is one of the more well-known classroom management examples that work. There was an error submitting your subscription. How to Evaluate Classroom Management, Procedures and Rules. Classroom Management Examples that Work: Connect with Your Students. Modeling what is expected is key as well.” – anonymous, “Clear expectations is the best way for students to know what to expect and what the consequences are. Stay tuned for the social-emotional learning email series coming your way soon! I use Class Dojo to communicate with parents all the time. Required fields are marked *. To me classroom management isn’t about your system, it is about your relationships.” -Davita Fortier, 1st Grade Teacher. Every teacher has rules for their class, but teachers who stick to the rules they set are the most effective in managing their classrooms. Your students will need to practice and be reminded of your classroom rules. One of the most important classroom management examples that work is to connect with your students. It’s more difficult for students to act out or be disruptive if they are busy planning their next project or creating questions to ask other students when they give presentations. I have a first-grade classroom.” – anonymous, “I have been teaching for 15 years…grades 2,3 and 4. Collaborative class rules. Assertive … Creating resources that are engaging and comprehensive is my passion. When students are busy learning and playing, they have less time to misbehave. Practicing mindfulness has been proven to reduce stress and increase focus, something we... Resources for teachers, parents, and students to help deal with stress and changes during the pandemic, Discover the importance of social-emotional learning and activities to promote empathy in the classroom, Best practices for resiliency and self-care for teachers, Strategies and tools to implement the trauma-informed approach in classrooms and schools, Cultivating Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Resources to help build an equitable classroom environment where diversity and inclusion is appreciated, Learn the best ways of adapting technology to be useful in your classroom environment, Strategies, tips, and teaching concepts to help teachers succeed in the classroom, Insightful content to help you design the ultimate curriculum – for on-campus and online teaching, The best ways to implement self-care and resilience that are relevant to teachers, Helpful content addressing the needs of higher education professionals for online teaching, The latest trends and challenges in education, Read the latest published articles on Resilient Educator, By In order to have a good classroom management strategy… 2008-09-28. I teach Kindergarten and I have found out (usually the hard way) that if I do not teach my students exactly what I expect such as routines, procedures, voice level, etc. ), and continue to add to and reteach and monitor those procedures and expectations throughout the school year.” – anonymous, “I teach K. My best management tip is to be consistent and train your students about your expectations. It includes 8 engaging resources that kids will love! Be inspired, motivate kids, and make a positive impact in your classroom. Follow through – students realize meaningless “threats” very quickly!” -Deborah O’Shea, 4th Grade, “Consistency with rules, clear expectations, put something that kids can look forward to (school-wide / classroom based).” – anonymous, “Consistency, especially in the beginning of the year. 3 Examples of Effective Classroom Management Set guidelines and stick to them. "Self-Reported and Actual Use of Proactive and Reactive Classroom Management Strategies and Their Relationship With Teacher Stress And Student Behaviour." BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS. 6 Components of an Effective Classroom Management System. I then have a baby food jar full on eyeballs and at random times of the day, I place the jar on the table that is following directions the best. Assertive Discipline. In order to create an emotionally safe classroom, teachers should develop safe-efficacy and self-management… Social-Emotional Skills: Teaching Heart-Centered Students, Relationships with Students: 6 Ways to Build Them From the Start, Growth Mindset in the Classroom: Inspiring Ideas to Start the Year. There is nothing I enjoy more than making a difference in the lives of teachers and children. Here is a huge list of ideas – from real teachers! Classroom setup is an important component in a learning environment because it is an essential piece of classroom management to support both teaching and learning. Once students figure out that a teacher won’t enforce a set rule, they will constantly push the boundaries and hinder a teacher’s ability to manage the classroom. Once you make that connection, your students will be eager to please and will respect what you have to say. Adapting to this completely different style of learning is difficult for everyone involved, including parents and caregivers. Communication with students and with parents is essential too.” -Carrie, K-12 Special Ed, “My best classroom management tip is to ensure the students know what you expect, especially in the early grades. It is not a one-and-done process. Be consistent and review expectations whenever necessary, especially Monday mornings, after breaks, etc.” -Trish Decker, 3rd grade, “Knowing your expectations. The SHARE Team, Tips for Teachers and Classroom Resources, Classroom Management Strategies for High School Teachers, Google Docs for Teachers: Classroom and Lesson Plan Management, Classroom Management Strategies: How to Keep Your Classroom in Line, Effective Classroom Management Ideas for the 1st Grade, Middle School Classroom Management Strategies. Although the recent news surrounding Coronavirus vaccines is promising, many cities are continuing to prioritize the safety of students and educators by keeping classes remote. Make adjustments to your plan accordingly. There are few careers as challenging and rewarding as teaching, and as with any profession, there are tools of the trade that must be honed so teachers can perform effective classroom management. The more involved students are in the learning process, the more they will learn and the easier it will be to manage them. Do things the same every time–don’t let something go once if you’re trying to make sure the kids do it. I love focusing on the positive and having my kids verbalize why they are earning them.” -Lauren, “Behavior Clip Chart- Every month students earn a “Gem” to place on their clip if they have got 13 or more “purples” for the month. It used to be that a teacher stood in front of a class and talked, and students dutifully sat in their seats, listened and took notes. If the student has letters left over they get a reward. Find all your classroom management essentials with the Class Management bundle. Here’s what teachers have to say about connecting with their students. “My best tip is to be consistent with your system of classroom management.” – anonymous, “Consistency is the key. 11 Essential Ways to Bring Social-Emotional Learning Activities into the Classroom, Growth Mindset Activities for Elementary Students: Stop Hearing “I Can’t!”, Classroom Management Tools for the Clever Elementary Teacher, Number Sense Activities and Lessons for Kids. Outline Of Classroom Management Plan (Management plan is designed for an elementary school placement. Keeping up with consistency really helps the kids stay on track.” – Alicia B., Kindergarten, “Be consistent! Think through a solid plan for classroom management for kindergarten. Sometimes the kids with the bad behavior get all the attention and this is exactly what they want but we can forget the hard-working, quiet achievers who just keep going smiling happily and soldiering on regardless.” – anonymous, “Blurt cubes – 5 cubes with the letters b,l,u,r,t on them and when a student blurts out in class, they get a signal from the teacher and have to turn one letter. That’s why there are classroom management examples that work such as this and help you adjust for each class. They know I love them and will support them. Why Have Classroom Management Techniques? Teacher Resources for Social-Emotional... Practice again after any long break.” – anonymous Kindergarten teacher, “Discuss with students what expectations are and why we have rules with demonstrations (I always act out the negative, because I don’t want them to practice a way that is not what I want- that way I can also go overboard and they really get the point). This year, while you’re evaluating your existing classroom management plan, you should take a look at what other teachers are doing. Let's start out by identifying what makes a good classroom management kindergarten plan. You can get all the details here: Find out more about Classroom Management … then they will make up their own. Such plans lay out the basic expectations to be in effect at all times in your classroom. What works one year may not another etc.” – anonymous, “Adjust your management to the group of students you have.” – anonymous. A good teacher-parent relationship can also alert a teacher to any problems at home that might carry over into the classroom. Effective Classroom Management Plan Example. For me, the definition of effective classroom management skills involves a system where everyone in the classroom … When they buy into it, their behavior is better, which is good for your sanity ;).” -Stephanie E, 1st grade, “Using lots of brain breaks when the kids are getting restless or losing their focus.” – anonymous, “Get kids moving! Without it, a teacher will have difficulty conveying what needs to be covered. I have a number of standard rules/techniques I use but am willing to research/implement a specific chart/strategy per student if necessary. These … In essence, this increased management also led to an increase in student achievement. There are several different reward and consequence systems out there, and multiple arguments for which is best. Classroom Management Tips & Methodologies. “Don’t be afraid to reteach anything. Now check your email to confirm your subscription. Classroom Management Ideas. I posted a large illustration … Plus ask any teacher their top choices for classroom management examples that work, and you’ll hear this as their response. However, not every parent is going to show up a parent-teacher conference night ready and willing to help. At the end of the day, the table with them is the winner and gets a leader slip and takes it to the office. On that first day of school, start your year off strong by going over your expectations. Once you’ve come up with a classroom management plan, it’s important to be consistent. Start with a reward with if they have ANY letters left, then eventually if they lose even 1 letter, they do not get a reward.” – anonymous, “I have found that random recognition with something as simple as a sticker has helped with behavior in the classroom when there are challenges. Filed Under: back to school, classroom management, social emotional learning, Your email address will not be published. Key Theorists: Canter and Canter. 9+ Effective Classroom Management Plan Examples – PDF, Word Effective Classroom Management Plan Example. You can expect to teach and reteach your expectations to your students. Also, I know it may sound silly to teach children HOW to stand in a line, but if we don’t teach them, how will they know? Engage a class in as many ways as possible. This obviously does not stop all behavior problems, but it does make classroom management much easier.”  -Jen, Kindergarten, “Stay positive, and keep them engaged with the management program you use! If there are students who do have to trek across campus to get to class, a teacher will need to either relax the rule for those students or give them a specific time in which they need to arrive to avoid getting the tardy. In order to have a good classroom management strategy, you need to reach them on a one-on-one level. Student engagement is key to your classroom management plan. Which of these real-teacher classroom management examples that work for you? Everything you need to rock your classroom management this year! Keep at it and vary the strategies. You must teach them your expectations if you want to see that behavior in class. I work throughout the year to build a respectful relationship with my kids. Learn to deliver meaningful social-emotional learning in the classroom with confidence. To implement this system, I first created a “Go for Green” bulletin board in my classroom. Classroom Management Strategies Using Rewards and Consequences. This is easy to back off when the blurting reduces. Go over the rules at the beginning of the year – review frequently. With a little bit of trial and error, you’ll eventually have a classroom management plan that will work for you and your students. Success! If the expectations are all materials need to be cleaned up and put away, voice level at zero and hands on head to get called to line up, I make sure that it is that way every time. Be flexible! Teach them how to use your materials, how to put them away, and how it should look when they sit at the carpet, line up, sit at the tables, etc. What steps can be followed to resolve a child's constant mis behavior? For example, if a teacher has a “show up for class late, and you’ll receive a tardy” rule, a teacher will want to ensure students have enough time to get from their last class to the next class in a timely manner. What makes a good classroom management … When teachers and students collaborate to make rules, a great classroom … “Use cooperative learning strategies that get all of your students talking. Here are some ideas on student engagement from actual teachers. No system is right or wrong – the best system … One of the most important classroom management examples that work is to connect with your students. Check out what these actual teachers have learned about classroom expectations. Educational Psychology. Students need to see the end result of what happens when the rules are either followed or not followed, and this needs to be consistent. Page content. Effective classroom management is being to implement and maintain classroom discipline in an effective manner. I praise them a lot but they also need to know there is a line. Classroom Management and Organization." So, whatever guidelines are set, make sure they can be lived with and enforced. (So will you! The students, parents, and administrators really enjoyed this classroom management system – as did I! ‘Say what you mean and mean what you say’ when it comes to consequences.” – anonymous, “Set expectations and stick to them: know actually what you expect to see from your students and require them to meet those expectations. Edutopia. The key to making class rules is ensuring teachers are not setting students up for failure by creating rules that are too rigid or impossible to abide by consistently. “Remember not to forget about the kids who are always making good choices and working hard. In tiered models like positive behavior support, established progress-monitoring systems … One of the most effective classroom management techniques for any early childhood classroom is the visual picture schedule. I love doing restorative circles, especially in the beginning of the year. Kindergarten students respond well to this visual representation of their behavior and parents appreciate the color chart coming home at the end of each day.” – anonymous, “I post super large googly eyes with the words Eyes on You. Preparation is your best friend.” – anonymous, “My best tip (as I’m still pretty new and learning!) Recognizing the expected behavior helps keep a positive atmosphere not only for my students but myself as well.”  –Cindy, a Kindergarten teacher, “Brag tags are amazing. 3:07 pm By Proud to be Primary Leave a Comment. Also, if you approach a parent of a student for whom you have concerns, the parent will be more willing to work with you to find a solution to the concern before it becomes a problem. When students are engaged and learning, they’re less likely to be disruptive or to act out. When you have a strong classroom management plan that works for both you and your students, you’ll notice that it’s easier to teach kids what they need to learn. Please try again. Accessed July 23, 2020. Not only will this have a positive effect on class morale, it will also make your life so much easier. By far, positive reinforcement has gotten more results than anything else! Your classroom management technique has the power to make your year easier or harder. While there are many techniques for creating systems, structures, and management for high school, these four guiding principles helped me transform my class into a well-oiled machine. Effective Classroom Management Tools That Work! HOLIDAY CHEER EVENT Dec. 7-11 (Join to be entered to WIN over $1000 in prizes)! They also know if they break a rule, then I must follow through with a consequence. We also have discussions about what we did well and what went wrong at the end of day in the first 30 days of school. Classroom management is a necessary skill. This is why it is important for you to reach out to the parents of all your students on a regular basis. Consistency is key.” – anonymous, “Be consistent and never make emotion-based decisions.” -Spec Ed teacher, K-6 combo class, “CONSISTENCY IS KEY!!! Engagement is so important in the list of classroom management examples that work. Think of it as muscle memory.” – anonymous, “Be proactive – Lots of step by step reminders for each procedure, and allow children to start over to correct their mistakes.” -1st Grade Teacher, “Modeling appropriate and inappropriate behavior, and practice, practice, practice!!!! Another key to setting classroom guidelines is making rules that a teacher is willing to enforce. Start out stern/strict! It takes all of us working together. The physical atmosphere of the classroom … You and another teacher can teach the exact same skill, but your lesson will be unique and will reflect who you are as an educator. Here's what makes a good classroom management plan, how to plan rewards and consequences and I'll share my own classroom management plan with you. 4 keys to improving classroom management … Per my privacy policy, you can unsubscribe at any time. Unsubscribe at any time. If … My favorites are the Kagan strategies of Think/Pair/Share and Inside-Outside Circle. “I have a connection with my students. By entering your information, you agree to receiving email communication from me. These teachers agree that consistency is in the list of classroom management examples that work. If you notice students are getting antsy, then use a brain break to keep them engaged! One of the best things you can do for your classroom is looking at classroom management examples that work. Sign up for exclusive access to teacher freebies & weekly emails filled with teacher tips, lesson ideas, and resource suggestions sent straight to your inbox! Use their successes as inspiration as you collect ideas and turn it into a classroom management plan that works for YOU. Your students need to know what to expect from you, and consistency will give them that security. Provide models for expected behavior – when students know what it “looks like” to display a specific characteristic, they will be more successful in doing so.” – anonymous. Subscribe To Our Newsletter To Get Content Delivered To Your Inbox. Rewarding positive behavior promotes the behavior you want your class to display, rather than constantly pointing out negative behavior. Parents who are involved in their children’s education can help you enforce your rules. Click an image to sign-up. Find your baseline needs as a teacher then work with the needs in front of you to develop classroom strategies that best suit THEIR needs.” – anonymous, “Not every strategy is going to work for every kid, meet their needs and find strategies that work for your kids. Room Preparation A. Bulletin Boards and Walls • There will be several bulletin boards located in the classroom… I believe one of the best ways to help your students is to let them know you are all working together to help them become the best ‘them’ they can be. !”  -Kindergarten Teacher, “Take the time to teach what you expect initially and aim for exactly what you expect. Managing a classroom is always a challenge, but laying a good foundation of objectives and goals, and applying tools to forward the objective and sticking to the plan will ensure the classroom environment is conducive to both teaching and learning. Which ones are you already using and which ones would you like to implement? I teach kindergarten and expectations are practiced, practiced and practiced again. Don’t get discouraged and stay consistent with whatever you use!” – anonymous, “You have to be flexible and it completely depends on your class/students. )”  -Sarah Shobe, 1st Grade, “The best classroom management tools is engagement. A Comprehensive Classroom Management Plan is critical for the success of a teacher in any kind of classroom. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Also, rewards do not always have to cost you money!” – anonymous. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLANS Overview Most highly effective teachers utilize classroom behavior plans. This form collects information I will use to send weekly emails with strategies, promotions, and resources. You can always loosen up as the year progresses, but you cannot go backward! I love to shape little minds and hearts. Build the hearts and minds of our children through engaging lessons and activities that build important social and emotional skills. Mindfulness Printables for Virtual Learning Success. Classroom management is an important issue for creation of a safe classroom environment favorable both for teachers and students. “Every class is unique in their needs. Positively reinforce a ton at beginning and don’t be afraid to review any time the class seems to need it.” – anonymous. Once they see that you care, they are more anxious to please you.” – anonymous, My “best tip is creating rapport with students, without it, the other things won’t work as efficiently.” – anonymous 1st grade teacher, “Working hard to build relationships with students has by far been the most meaningful classroom management technique. Although this method is still used to some extent, its use as a primary teaching method has gone the way of the overhead projector and film strip. Your classroom management is the same. ... For example… Implement Classroom Management Procedures Step by Step. I. These teachers have advice on adjusting your classroom management technique for each class. Get Your Teachers and Staff Invested. Talk to the teachers a grade below you and see what worked for them. is to remember that each year your class will have different needs and what worked like a charm one year might need to be tweaked to fit your new group. Kids who don’t raise their hands to answer questions still have something to say. The most effective system that I ever used was called the “stoplight” management system. Learn strategies and gain tools to teach a particular topic with our free email courses. Give them the chance to tell their neighbor/partner! You might have a strong classroom management plan you’ve used in the past, but unfortunately, sometimes the best-laid plans fall apart. Activity. ” – anonymous, “ my best tip ( as i ’ m pretty! Filed Under: back to school, start your year easier or harder much easier you agree receiving... Will love s why there are classroom management technique has the power to rules! 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