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An Amendment which would disallow anybody who makes a permanent change of address to a new state from voting in that state for a full 10 years from the date that they establish residence in the new state. People are startled when I inform them that SCOTUS has no Constitutional power to “judge if something is Constitutional”. Watch an excerpt from the Foundations of Āyurveda Part I online course. After 0bama and seeing the result of his social engineering in the US military, I’m not so adverse to your proposal of military members being barred from voting. The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation, the first constitution of the United States, on November 15, 1777, but the states did not ratify them until March 1, 1781. This one change would result in smaller government, lower taxes, and more freedom (basically fix everything) within a few decades at most. Moreover despite some of their intentions their works were tainted with hatred towards Christianity (despite the fact that over 90% of the advance in Sciences during the time preceding the 18th century was owed to the Church who preserved the knowledge of the ancient Rome and Greece while promoting the development of Mathematics, Philosophy and Science within their ranks in spite of the dire circumstances of the Middle Ages) and a great anti-traditionalist bias (were not only against religion but against hierarchy ) thus sowing the seeds of Feminism, Marxism and most of the ills we have to suffer today. 5. The supreme court rarely uses the Tenth to limit federal power. Exercising Regularly Engage in physical activity daily. However it happens, there is no escape from the inevitable: “If a house [or nation] is divided against itself, that house [or nation] will not be able to stand.” – Mark 3:25. If it means some regions choose to be “backwards” or “vote against their own interests” according to people of another region, so be it. Most Americans see obvious benefits in market competition but do not think about how healthy competition between polities can also produce new solutions. We need protection from voters foolish enough to elect foreign communists like Leland Yee and Kshama Sawant. Create a system in which executives are remunerated according to how well they do their jobs. Term limits are the answer. 1) Congress The French Revolution was not leftist. No one minds the Sikhs because they mind their own business and are willing to serve their country. Isn’t it amazing how much money someone can make with a just a webcam and a cucumber? And, as we’ve seen, SCOTUS has a pretty sorry track record when it comes to determining whether or not a law is “Constitutional”. Again, there would be no bottleneck as SCOTUS is effectively controlled by Congress. The War on Drugs is the opiate of the Right, and they need to get over that shit, immediately. Cap the number of laws (I’m just that tamasic). It ought to be filled by lottery among eligible voters, about one year terms, one member replaced every day. Because he is wrong about what we believe, he thinks we should be quiet and not question his anti-U.S. Constitution zeal. Wyoming and Montana have nullified “the commerce clause” in regard to firearms in their states. This was so much the case that the CC had a counter-reformation. The constitution of each person is influenced by congenital and acquired factors, and this varies from person to person. (e.g. Only Congress can do that. The Supreme Court essentially seized unlimited power for itself back in the early 1800s in the Marbury vs Madison case and this has never been challenged. interesting point about the states splitting up. LASER-wikipedia2. The “House of Repeal” had no ability to filibusterer, no committees, etc…. TBH, DC’s attempts at self-government have been spectacular failures. That crap where cops are taking money from motorists around the country and forcing them to prove in court that they legally earned it is some breathtaking bullshit. I already beat you to the punch on House of Repeals. Comparatively, military members E4 and below do it for less than $20,000 every six months, and part of their mission (at least, for the Army and Marine Corps) is seeking out trouble (as opposed to private security which is supposed to avoid trouble). Those in the audience who have a weak constitution or a giant asshole, should leave this theatre immediately! The 16th Amendment is documented as fraudulently declared ratified, and should be thrown out. The “war on drugs” is the vehicle whereby so many rights have been denied that it seems to me that even your most staunch anti-drug right winger would want that framework dismantled and abolished. It’s a war and leftist won’t give you the choice to refuse gay and pedosexual rights, mass migration or drug legalization. I am inclined to want the minimum voting age restored to 21 so kids can grow up, get jobs, start with some life on their own before they walk into the voting booth and vote with some experience in life. New Hampsphire despite having a massive congress, has few, and wise laws, its a great example of what the US could be like. I’m referring to major elections, Presidential and Congressional, not pissant local bullshit, “Who’s running for county dog catcher?” elections. It was almost “in your face” levels of corruption. She was totally ignorant about politics, yet she voted everytime and for a green/socialdemocratic party (can’t remember the name right now). My most crucial recommendation is making a partial revision of the 19th amendment (women’s right to vote). In real financial terms, serving in a designated combat zone for a civilian means at least $150,000…for a six month contract. “The day is therefore approaching when the Republic’s cup of iniquity will be full3 and Yahweh’s longsuffering is exhausted.  Sometimes the splitting states are made into half-cantons that get one senator each. When proposed, the repeal proposal must be voted on within 60 days, and cannot be filibustered in the Senate. I would enter politics just to run for the HOR! And the mourning. There should be a built in aging date, so that they can’t immediately repeal any law Congress passes (say, 5 or 10 years to let the law “work” and be tested), but otherwise, they get elected on their performance of repealing onerous laws and regulations. So we can take comfort in the possibility that our good (if forced) habits can help us go the distance every bit as well as our sturdy friends. Now they’re all nice and compliant regarding our right to carry and even train in the academy now to leave us the fuck alone if we’re not actually breaking any real laws. You’ll note my original post on the thread didn’t even touch term limits, I was simply agreeing and adding to the list provided by onetruth. Note: Neutral is the most balanced body constitution and is the least susceptible to illness. All those things which come natural to men became crimes. Ghost, are you aware that Ohio made it a felony to have a hidden compartment in a motor vehicle? maybe. So that the opinion of a leftist judge who is clearly legislating from the bench becomes adopted as the law in practice, rather than the written law of congress. well if you’re going to repeal amendments lets start with the 1st, 2nd, and 4th… The income tax allows for the government to use its taxing power to subvert other rights. Strong people are not impervious. how frustrating – actual military defeated by snowflakes… No but thanks for reminding me. A person prone to illness back in 'the day', was said to have a weak constitution. The 10th is covered by the 14th, which allows all of the rights in the Bill of Rights to be universal across the nation, but nothing else really. of commerce and manufacturing—are afraid of somebody. What troubles me most these days is that the 4th amendment has been chipped away at or completely ignored. Ideally I’d remove it entirely from Da Womynz, but I doubt that would ever be able to fly, so instead I’d restrict it to tax paying landowners who held deed or are paying continuously on a mortgage note to real property (meaning property you own and are living on, not a deed to one square inch of a communal property, which is how the Left would try to get around this by selling 1″ parcels for ten cents to every welfare sucking moron in the nation). Balanced budget would be nice, but I live in a state where such a thing is required by law and politicians historically have lied and cheated to achieve it. My age puts me at a time when my folks and grandparents used that term. Allowing immature “live for the moment” youth the vote was a mistake almost as large as allowing women the vote. No.  This is a good criticism when looking at homogeneous countries like Sweden but Switzerland has multiple official languages and ethnic groups. USA out of debt in a decade. the same shit is done by Latin Americans, They escape their socialist shithole country, then vote for the same socialist shit in America, So the third or forth generation of them will need to move to another state when everything goes to shit again, so they can vote to the same shit again in a new state, until there are no more state and move to another country, is like a cancer. Replace with an amendment that exempts all DC residents from any and all federal taxes. I’d expect that some “ward-heeler” type could strongarm the State Legislature into electing him Senator by riding a wave of “gibs-based” populism, especially since SCOTUS’ Reynolds v. Sims ensures that our liberal cities have an unduly yuuuge representative body in state legislatures. What a fantastic “Fuck You Establishment” acceptance speech, which in no unquestionable way indicted every sitting ex-President and Congressman at the ceremony. Heh. It’s time to end prohibition again. Having found gymnastic exercises beneficial to his own weak constitution, Prodicus formulated a method that became generally accepted and was subsequently improved by Hippocrates. I know that they don’t solve all problems.  We need more of that while reducing heavy handed coercion from the central government. Make memes, put it on your bumper, spread it. Hard cap on the % of federal income tax that can be collected. And one thing about discipline: it may not be as palatable as hedonism, but it can go the distance. It’s a combination of both having seen this firsthand in a major metropolitan area of Texas. Such an emergency rule or fee shall last not more than 2 years, and can NOT be renewed in any form. It is its power to to create and amend existing laws which is problematic. A group of talented military officers. I don’t mind the SCOTUS being able to strike down laws. The Constitution strengthened the national government by giving the national government specific powers. Many of today’s young Hillary voters will be voting for Trump in 2020 after four years of real life on their hands, four years of working for a living, paying taxes, maybe contemplating kids of their own. SCOTUS already has too much power, they need to be clipped back a bit, not empowered more. They entered the modern era without giving women the vote, up to the 1970’s. The 17th amendment is often overlooked but it was one of the most blatant power grabs by federal cronies ever conducted. Grundune is a Mormon who rejects the Christ of the Bible and the Word of God (Psalm 19:7-11; John 1:1-3, 14; 1 Timothy 3:16; 2 John 1:7-11; etc.) A House of Repeals. The city was primarily Texican and white but in the last ten years there’s been an influx of Arab “refugees” Sikhs, Hurricane Katrina transplants, Mexicans and blue state transplants. If anything last minute and devastating comes through I'm fairly certain that it will be immediately repealed later today by Trump. Rumor has it that the Obama lackies had some dirt on him that he didn’t want to go public. Seems the Federal Government can actually compel us to engage in private commerce and can compel us to be party to private contracts even when we don’t want to. Those of us with weaker ones may bemoan our fates and envy our stronger brethren and sistren (should be a word, right?). Citizenship Test *in English* in order to register to vote and be a net tax contributor or have served in the U.S. Military), I believe one must have a “proof of stake” in order to have a vote. It would save us from having to worry about a supermajority of leftist justices which would stay on the bench for decades. Go back to a direct tax that is apportioned, and not progressive. But I hope he applies pressure, he said he will… Someone with no back bone. I have to get enough sleep. That’s great news. The answer is restricting the vote to people who have skin in the game. There are many dry counties across the nation. It would also, in theory, stop warantless wiretaps (without probable cause) and collecting “meta information” without the individual’s consent. Maybe migraines if they drink one glass of wine. above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”. In fact, the leading figures were your typical libertarians. The 4th needs reinstated, with force, immediately. Grape drank. i would even amend the slavery amendments so they no longer mean anyone born in the US is a citizen which would close the stupid mexicans get a free citizen child loophole. Essentially both Putin and Obama have centralized a lot of power. In what world is repealing the 1, 2 or 4th even justifiable? Should they be forced to allow pot? I’m a believer – but wary…Maybe he will do nothing like Obama, and Mayor Dinkins. If a candidate has been in office too long, vote him/her out. Then find out how much you REALLY know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Gold = money. The Constitution created a powerful bicameral, it established a system of federalism, and among the three branches of government, the power was balanced. i.e., if Texas didn’t want to participate in the federal Medicaid program, it could lower the amount of federal sales tax from 10% to 9.5%, etc. These states’ chief execs are remunerated according to the good they do. I’m not sure why the article proposes an amendment to this effect as the Constitution already allows for it (Article 4, Section 3). dare i ask what kind of wal mart cashiers youve been talking to? Edit: they are the most important IMO…and greatest risk presently. Though I agree that Congress has hit upon the idea of (illegally) loaning its legislative power to SCOTUS “on the down low” so that the Congress critters who are accountable to their constituents can let the unaccountable SCOTUS make the unpopular calls. As far as the number of senators getting out of hand or one party using subdivision as a tool to seize a majority, the Swiss thought of this too. Repeal the 16th amendment. At the same time I believe Term limits for Federal judges would also be a good idea. The Senate must return to its parallel role to that of the House of Lords in Great Britain. Remove the right to vote for anyone who is a net moocher of government money, including all government employees and workers at government subsidized companies. Clearly the 10th needs to be amended so it is more specific. Don’t know how they keep their cool…. “Before this guy, no income tax, no female vote, no federal reserve, the “peace” at Versailles just to name a few things. And in a very prejudicial way. Ted R. Weiland gets angry when Mormons take issued with his desire to abolish the U.S. Constitution. THAT would keep the federal government limited to the proper size. Until reading the constitution I never even knew senators were supposed to be elected by state legislatures, not the popular vote. Amendment 420, legalize weed and tax it BIGLY This allows said board of directors to have the interests of the common folk while appointing competent people to run it. It should be tossed. ... Why is the Texas governor's power exceptionally weak as compared to that of the governors of some other states? Any member could propose to repeal any law, tax, or regulation and it would get a vote. There were hundreds of thousands of people. But it isn’t sudden at all. A person with a weak immune system should eat a healthful diet. Personally I would like to see the supreme court modified with in addition to the Judges appointed by the president I would like to see additional judges one appointed from each of the states to rule with them.  Like last time, the nation is starkly split over a ticking time bomb of demographic change that threatens to permanently undermine one of the two major parties. But, while there may be tasty lunch, there is no free lunch. Other ideas: Then, find out how much you REALLY know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Do you not accept that the sc is already part of the legislative process? All the states with the worst representation are the most corrupt(CA). Huge problems throughout the Western countries. No, wait…that’s the meek. I have to get some fresh air and exercise pretty much daily. And they certainly shouldn’t be able to vote to tax others. The feds even have some experience with that lying and cheating, as we’ve seen for 20+ years with the claim that Bill Clinton “balanced the budget”. Probably something like this: “Shit, Merkel. As a fringe benefit, that would make the State Legislatures seriously opposed to the 17th Amendment. Due to constitutional differences, bodily disharmonies vary from person to person, and thus cause different health concerns. I have to do my 5-10 minutes of yoga a day. And don’t forget your Skittles and grape drink…. 2 and 3 – Easy to repeal laws and taxes, hard to enact new ones. Unfortunately, repealing the 17th Amendment won’t have much of an effect until Reynolds v. Sims is overturned as that SCOTUS (de facto) law prevents state legislatures from representing the state. Please enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter, with which we will not bombard you. Maybe they have panic attacks if they touch caffeine or stay out too late. But even sturdy folks need to learn about, and choose, a moderate way of life, healthy diet and routine, and voluntarily sacrifice some of the tasty stuff, if they want to go the distance as well as their weaker friends. But I have to do it or I begin to feel crummy. Everything changed. Everything changed.”, The role of Untermeyer and Brandeis may be of interest here. It is certainly my nature—one I rise above with varying degrees of success now and then. In this, allow for states to opt out of federal services and lower the amount of federal sales tax that is collected in their jurisdictions. mine are dumb as a sack of bricks. Very good list especially the part about the 17th amendment. The others have been flat out told to gtfo. But term limits are most definitely part of the answer. At this point it is clear that highly centralized rule of America is untenable and it is only a matter of time until there is bloodshed. The representation also needs to be reworked. We already have term limits: they are called elections. In Native country, it’s usually a team of really old people with lots of experience. The time for federations ended. Good starts. Europarl8. If an official has been running a government agency too long, vote him/her out or vote out the person that appointed him/her to that position or oversees that agency. The solution to Californication in not just buying a little time before letting them vote.  In practice, that just means choosing to stay ignorant of the possibilities that are out there. We need a high degree of centralization, but the guy in power has to be OUR guy. 4. The Swiss finally drew up a federal constitution because a civil war had just broken out between protestant and catholic states.  Others had local forms of direct democracy for centuries while Geneva under John Calvin may have bordered on becoming a theocracy. Amendments Process: Change can come to the Constitution, but protections are in place to protect it from political whims and mass public hysteria. BUT, it would repeal laws. This is borne out in the following two passages: ‘And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: Went on during the Reagan administration i disagree that term amended so it is natural us! Ethnic groups striving towards a common goal and knowledge they need to make better choices about to. District in Namibia than 200 years later, the ball goes back to you the people ” Trump… documented! 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