what are the important concepts of cross cultural adaptation

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In Norway an instrument that measured staff attitudes towards opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) was needed for a study. Globalization has induced a source of standardization but the effects of standardization remains diffused. In addition, technology has made overcoming language barriers easy; just download an app, insert an earpiece and receive an instant translation. Based upon the literature review and the general feedback it was decided to omit the six items that made up the "Disapproval of drug use" scale. Article  If values were missing at random it would be appropriate to delete missing values listwise for the confirmatory analysis. new setting. Heroin Addiction & Related Clinical Problems. The first factor, "Compliance", included seven items (α = 0.89). Since then several studies have found that abstinence-oriented treatment in OMT is less effective than long-term maintenance [33, 34]. There was no appropriate instruments available in Norwegian, thus an Australian-English instrument was cross-culturally adapted. West J Nurs Res. The two main concepts of cross-cultural adaptation are psychological and sociocultural adaptations (Searle and Ward 1990; Ward 1999; Ward and Kennedy 1999) which are consistent with the earlier models allowing for deep and There were no specific patterns in the missing values. In addition more OMT staff had worked more than six years in the addiction field compared to harm reduction staff (62% versus 41%). Instead this was based solely on the subjective judgement of the researcher and group discussions with experts in the field. Cookies policy. The harm reduction services included 12 facilities and employed between six to thirty employees. Herdman M, Fox-Rushby J, Badia X: A model of equivalence in the cultural adaptation of HRQoL instruments: the universalist approach. In addition each item within the instrument was assessed for potentially irrelevant concepts in the target population. receiver of a message are from different cultures. The researcher was present in all except one OMT centre while respondents completed the questionnaires. One of these parameters was the correlations between the factors in the new attitudinal scale. "Compliance" reflected staff attitudes towards sanctions against continuing drug use among OMT patients. Research questionnaires are not always translated appropriately before they are used in new temporal, cultural or linguistic settings. 10.1080/09595230701499118. vious research had not explicitly addressed the cross-cultural adaptation process of the questionnaire. The national OMT programme comprised of 14 centres and employed from three to thirty-three staff members. It also emphasizes the importance of ensuring that concepts within an instrument are equal between the original and target language, time and context. Perspectives and expertise by and for learning leaders. Social psychologist Geert Hofstede (Hofstede, 1982, 2001, 2005) is one of the most well known researchers in cross-cultural communication and management. Structural Equation Modeling. Developing this competence throughout the workforce is the most effective way to ensure success across organizations. Journal of Marketing Research. Underpinning the cross-cultural adaptation process are the two interrelated experiences of deculturation of some of the original cultural habits, on the one hand, and acculturation of new ones, on the other. Thereafter the instrument was pretested and adjusted accordingly. The two back-translated versions were then synthesized into one. Gonzales-Saiz F, Salvador Carulla L: Medida de las actitudes y conocimientos de los profesionales de programas de mantenimiento con metadona: datos preliminares. Factor correlations were 0.71 for OMT staff and 0.37 for harm reduction staff. Multivariate Behavioral Research. Awareness of one’s own cultural worldview: ultures encode and decode messages differently. 1997, 32: 399-413. Cross-cultural adaptation (from English to other language) The aim of translation is to achieve different language versions of the original PU-QOL questionnaire (UK English version) that are clear and expressed in common language. By using this website, you agree to our Cross-cultural differences allow us the opportunity to become more aware of and more conscious about how we negotiate and what is at stake as we do. Specifically, the translation process should ensure conceptual equivalence in each target SERAF- Norwegian Centre for Addiction Research, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia, You can also search for this author in Cross-cultural communication is a necessity for any company that has a diverse workforce or plans on conducting global business. We thank both staff employed in the Norwegian OMT program (LAR) and staff from harm reduction services for participating and supporting this study. The cross-cultural adaptation process is important when an instrument is used in a different language, setting and time to reduce the risk of introducing bias into a study [2]. In harm reduction mean compliance score was 2.54 (95% CI 2.42; 2.67) and mean "accessibility" score was 2.49 (95% CI 2.39; 2.59). Young Yun Kim's assimilation Theory of Cross-Cultural Adaptation maintains that human transformation takes only one path, assimilative. Foreign interdisciplinary studies of the adaptation phenomenon in general and cross-cultural adaptation in The analysis produced a two-factor model including 13 items. Data had a normal distribution. Thereafter the synthesized version should be back-translated independently by at least two different persons [4–6]. Furthermore there were differences between groups in knowledge and attitudinal scores. All these cultural differences can represent premise of cultural adaptation of products and services. Questionnaires from this facility were returned by postal mail. There was a higher correlation between the attitudinal factors in the OMT group compared to harm reduction. Importantly multigroup analysis confirmed differences between the groups in all parameters within the new attitudinal scale. Psychometrika. Oslo. The statistical software AMOS version 17.0 does not handle missing values when modification indices are estimated [21]. There were no criteria for how to reach certain decisions, such as retain or adjust items. Gossop M, Marsden J, Stewart D, Treacy S: Outcomes after methadone maintenance and methadone reduction treatments: two-year follow-up results from the National Treatment Outcome Research Study. OMT staff were not invited to participate as they were the target population in the main study. Instead for practical reasons, someone who spoke and wrote English fluently was used as a second back-translator. Requisites of adapting cross-cultural competence include: Different cultures encode and decode messages differently. Moreover, a depression inventory validated in addicted individuals is likely to confuse somatic symptoms of depression with those of intoxication and withdrawal. , Ph.D., holds a doctorate in social sciences. The expert committee assesses if a word or several words reflect the same ideas or subjects in both the original and adapted versions of the questionnaire [2–5]. In particular comparison will be difficult if the adaptation process has been flawed. 1990, 25: 173-180. A third person reviewed the two translated versions and synthesized the two versions into one. The mean "compliance" score for OMT staff was 3.38 (95% 3.23; 3.52) and mean "accessibility" score was 3.51 (95% CI 3.40; 3.62). Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Specifically, the translation process should ensure conceptual equivalence in each target Another assumption is that the use of validated instruments increases the certainty with which the instruments accurately reflect what they are supposed to measure [1]. Verbal Communications 2. Factor loadings in the two scales are shown in table 2. Non-Verbal Communications Eye contact Facial Expressions Gestures Timing in spoken exchange Touching These principles include: Learning about … -cultural competence reveals that communication is more than language. 10.1080/10705519909540118. Competence refers to the ability to do the same task efficiently and repeatedly with superior performance. Two unpublished studies support this hypothesis. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2288-10-13, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2288-10-13. Two forward and two back-translations were synthesized and compared by an expert committee. The operational equivalence of the instrument should be evaluated after the semantic adjustments [2, 3]. volume 10, Article number: 13 (2010) The authors declare that they have no competing interests. 1, Art. Final adjustments were made based on the subjective judgement of the research team after discussions with members of the expert committee and target population. 2006, New York: Guilford Press, Byrne BM: Structural equation modeling with AMOS. Based upon a subjective judgment of the authors and the feedback from the experts in the field, 12 attitudinal statements were added to the instrument. Cross Culture Adaptation Some important concepts • Acculturation (learning new culture) • Enculturation (learning one’s own culture as we are brought up) • Deculturation … © 2020 BioMed Central Ltd unless otherwise stated. Finally, the instrument should be administered to participants in a formal study. For clarity, the following explanations are provided for the terms most often used to label each step in the translation process and the key actors involved in each step. Begley (1999) defines adaptation as “an umbrella term that encompasses culture shock, assimilation, adjustment, acculturation, integration, and coping”( p.401). Exploratory factor analyses were completed in the statistical software SPSS version 16.0 [20]. Questionnaires were mailed out via email and postal mail. 10.1023/A:1008846618880. A closer look at the challenges of achieving cross-cultural competence reveals that communication is more than language. The correlation matrix and factor loadings were used to decide which items to retain. adaptation, methodology, achievements of the latest theories, and concepts in the field of sociology and educational psychology, she believes that cross-cultural adaptation is a form of social adaptation [5]. Gjersing LR, Butler T, Caplehorn JR, Belcher JM, Matthews R: Attitudes and beliefs towards methadone maintenance treatment among Australian prison health staff. The Cronbach's α was 0.75. The host society will in turn develop the "receptivity". However, a previously validated instrument does not necessarily mean it is valid in another time, culture or context [2–5]. Gjersing, L., Caplehorn, J.R. & Clausen, T. Cross-cultural adaptation of research instruments: language, setting, time and statistical considerations. Values above 0.90 indicate acceptable fit, whereas values close to 0.95 are indicative of good fit [32]. It was expected that harm reduction staff would differ greatly from OMT staff. In this section cross-cultural adaptation process of self-reported measures are briefly overviewed. These findings suggest that the failure of the original abstinence-oriented scale is possibly related to changes over time. Data were assessed using exploratory and confirmatory statistical analysis. 1997, 1: 41-58. 2000, 1: 63-72. Conversely, harm reduction staff who believed drug use should not be tolerated among OMT patients did not necessarily support an OMT programme with limited access. process of exchanging meaningful and unambiguous information across cultures in a way that preserves mutual respect and minimizes conflict. The attitudinal and knowledge items were mixed throughout the instrument [7]. Drug & Alcohol Review. An Australian-English instrument that measured staff attitudes towards OMT was available. 10.1007/BF02291170. Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric testing create a version of the original scale in a target language that is conceptually equivalent to the source instrument and ... familiarise themselves with important concepts and issues specific to the target population. Our country is becoming much more diverse. The Palliative care Outcome Scale (POS) Family of Measures Manual for Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Testing Authors: Bárbara Antunes1,2 Alice Brown1, Jana Witt1, , Barbara Daveson1, Christina Ramsenthaler1, Hamid Benalia1 and Pedro Lopes Ferreira2, Claudia Bausewein3 Irene J. Higginson1 and Fliss EM Murtagh1. Correspondence to Kang SY, Magura S, Nwakeze PC, Demsky S: Counselor Attitudes in Methadone Maintenance. There were doubts around the relevance of the abstinence-oriented items, but it was decided to retain these items. The model retrieved through exploratory factor analysis was tested through confirmatory analysis. This needs to be further investigated in a parallel study of staff attitudes and treatment outcomes. The failure of the original scale highlights the importance of adapting instruments to current research settings. This means that attitudes are measured indirectly, through some set of items in a questionnaire [ 19 ]. The sample data included two different groups (harm reduction staff and OMT staff), thus multigroup analyses were applied. In addition attitudes cannot be measured directly [19]. 2006, 28: 310-321. Demographic variables that identify respondents will therefore be deleted upon completion of the project. In addition attitudes cannot be measured directly [ 19 ]. Part of toward team collaboration across cultures to sustain, second to alienate business partners by unintentionally encroaching on, alues, attitudes, beliefs, practices, ideas and behavior, state, organization or linguistic assemblage, the ability to do the same task efficiently, ross-cultural competence can be defined as. Cross-cultural adaptation refers to how a sojourner chooses to cope with cultural changes. POPULATION . Values ranging from 0.08 to 0.10 indicate mediocre fit, and those greater than 0.10 indicate poor fit [23, 24]. to explain how value differentials impact interaction. There will always be some differences between time-periods and settings, and in many cases, cross-cultural adaptation is recommended even for well established questionnaires. In one harm reduction facility information about the study was given only to the leader of the facility. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation procedures create a version of the original scale in a target language that is conceptually equivalent to the source instrument and ... familiarise themselves with important concepts and issues specific to the target population. Akaike H: Factor-Analysis and Aic. The original version of the questionnaire was translated from Australian-English to Norwegian by two translators. This scale tested respondents' knowledge of the benefits and risks of methadone treatment [7]. Cross-cultural communication can be defined as “a process of exchanging, negotiating, and mediating one’s cultural differences through language, non-verbal gestures, and space relationships.”. 2010, Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson. Series of theories, notions, and concepts have been elaborated on in connection with the concept of cultural adaptation, among them, adaptive level, adaptive policies and processes, and accommodation and assimilation. This article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd. Caplehorn JR, Lumley TS, Irwig L: Staff attitudes and retention of patients in methadone maintenance programs. become an internationally recognized standard for understanding cultural differences. All OMT staff had more than three years of tertiary education, whereas 43% of harm reduction staff had less than three years of tertiary education. To perform a cross-cultural adaptation of the Clear Communication Index instrument from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC-CCI) from English to Brazilian Portuguese. Participants received written and oral information about the study. Multigroup analyses were completed stepwise. The respondents were asked to complete the questionnaire and comment on words and sentences that were difficult to understand. Culture is a shared pattern of values, attitudes, beliefs, practices, ideas and behaviors that define the way of life of a group (i.e., a country, state, organization or linguistic assemblage). The "Disapproval of Drug Use" scale comprised six-items and was characterised by statements such as "modern society is too tolerant towards drug addicts", "marijuana should be legalized", "drug addiction is a vice" and "drug addiction is a menace to society" [7]. There are several goodness-of-fit indices available in maximum likelihood analysis and no agreement on which are best. [21], which assessed the following six types of equivalences: conceptual, of items, semantic, operational, measurement, and functional. They can overcome hindrances to adapting cross-cultural competence by: Today’s business relations are made complex by the nature of the human diversity involved. All members of the committee had either full-time or part-time positions at the Norwegian Centre for Addiction Research. The expert committee should comprise of methodologists, health professionals, language professionals, and the translators (forward and back-translators) [4]. Google Scholar. Cite this article. Reichenheim ME, Moraes CL: Operationalizing the cross-cultural adaptation of epidemiological measurement instruments. Adicciones. However, there is agreement that it is inappropriate to simply translate and use a questionnaire in another linguistic context [2, 6]. Cross-cultural adaptation of the SF-36 and SF-12 Physical and ... CROSS-CULTURAL VALIDATION OF THE CONCEPTS OF THE SF-36 ON A CHINESE . The original instrument failed confirmatory analysis. The original study instrument was developed in 1996 [7]. In this study two of the 14 centres were merged because they had a joint staff group at the time of the study. Indeed, intercultural communication happens between subgroups of the same country. Regardless, the subsequent stages after the back-translation presumably detected any discrepancies that might have occurred in the back-translation process. The 14-item "Abstinence-orientation" scale contained two almost perfectly correlated dimensions: attitudes towards abstinence-oriented policies and support for disciplinary actions if programme rules were broken [7]. In the cross-cultural adaptation process new items were added to the instrument. Article  10.1080/09595239996590. 10.1097/00007632-200012150-00014. Table 1 shows a suggested sequence of the cross-cultural adaptation process. Furthermore, the crucial role of cross-cultural adaptation theory is also critical in developing a conceptual framework. Exploratory factor analyses were completed using principal axis and oblique rotation methods (promax). Whether it be the distinctions between high and low Germanic dialects, the differences in perspective between an Easter… Below are the links to the authors’ original submitted files for images. Fornell C, Larcker FD: Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. It is also possible to contact experts in the field and members of the target population to assess if format, instructions, mode and administration and measurement methods are appropriate [2]. 1999, 18: 163-170. This means the opportunities for cultural missteps in marketing are also on the rise. The most trusted source of information on the business of learning. 1990, 107: 238-246. There is much emphasis on using standardized and validated research instruments [1]. This process is called cross-cultural adaptation. speaking partners communicate with native English speakers. Multigroup analysis showed that the attitudinal scale differed in all parameters between the two groups (Table 4). Alternatively, one could have ignored the validity testing intentionally and simply reported findings. The translation and cross-cultural adaptation procedure for creating a Turkish version of the BQN was based on the guidelines of Beaton et al. The theory of cultural adaptation refers to the process and time it takes a person to assimilate to a new culture. The art and science of communication — both verbal and nonverbal — has gained a lot of momentum recently. These indices were the comparative fit index (CFI) [25], the Tucker-Lewis index (TLI) [26] and the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) [27]. The responses were answered on a five-point Likert scale ranging from "strongly disagree = 1" to "strongly agree = 5" [7]. Knee outcome scales: Basic concepts, review of methods, cross-cultural and linguistic adaptation Paradowski, Przemysław T. and Roos, Ewa LU () In Ortopedia, traumatologia, rehabilitacja 6 (4). Consumer behavior is strongly cultural related. This process of adjusting to a new culture is called cultural adaptation. However, it is important to acknowledge that it may have been more appropriate to use someone whose mother tongue was English. communication begins with the understanding that the sender. There is no universal agreement on how to adapt an instrument for use in another cultural setting. BMC Medical Research Methodology Laake P, Olsen BR, Benestad HB: Research methodology in the medical and biological sciences. 10.1016/0895-4356(93)90142-N. Wang W, Lee H, Fetzer SJ: Challenges and strategies of instrument translation. While knowledge is information processed by the brain — a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject — skill is the ability to carry out a task, with determined results, within a given span of time and energy. In addition attitudes cannot be measured directly [19]. Kornor H, Waal H, Sandvik L: Time-limited buprenorphine replacement therapy for opioid dependence: 2-year follow-up outcomes in relation to programme completion and current agonist therapy status. Values for both CFI and TLI range from zero to 1.00. These suggestions came both via email and in face-to-face meetings. OMT staff and experts in the field were asked to suggest additional items. Psychol Bull. Oberg (1960) initially described a four-stage model of cultural adjustment and Respondents consented to participate in the study by submitting the questionnaire. 51 – January 2009 . Volume 10, No. There was nothing in the format, instructions, mode of administration or measurement methods that was unfamiliar to the Norwegian setting. In this study the decision of overall model fit was based upon four fit indices. Communication between English speakers in the U.S. and English speakers in the U.K. often go awry because of cultural differences that impact language. 2009, Chicago, Illinois, SPSS Inc, Brown TA: Confirmatory factor analysis for applied research. It also emphasizes the importance of ensuring that concepts within an instrument are equal between the original and target language, time and context. There are principles that can be used to counteract the problems that result from differences in cultural communications and to make the cross-cultural communication more effective. Additionally the instrument comprised of a 12-item knowledge scale. Cross-cultural research has become important in the fields of education and psychology, and articles addressing translation and adaptation over the past 30 years have increased by … The model proposes four levels of cross-cultural awareness. The failure of the original scale highlights the importance of adapting instruments to current research settings. These comments were written on a paper attached to the questionnaire. All members knew the Norwegian OMT system well. 10.1037/0033-2909.107.2.238. 10.3109/10826089709039361. Thus a missing value pattern was generated for all items to ensure that values were missing at random. Conversely, studies may have a comprehensive linguistic translation process, but this still does not ensure construct validity and reliability [4, 5]. One of the back-translators had English as native language, whereas the other person had lived and studied in the US for many years. The persistent treatment differences between the Norwegian OMT centres documented through annual assessments [35, 36], the high correlations between the two factors within the new attitudinal scale and high mean factor scores support the proposition that attitudes contribute to differences in treatment practices. PubMed  1996, 31: 663-677. METHODS This study comprised initial discussion about the conceptual equivalence of the instrument by a committee formed by experts on health education. In comparison the researcher was only present in seven out of 12 ham reduction facilities during data collection. 1998, 22: 505-508. 10.2307/3151312. RESEARCH Open Access Cross-cultural adaptation of the CHO-KLAT for boys with hemophilia in rural and urban china Runhui Wu1, Jishui Zhang2, Koon Hung Luke3, Xinyi Wu1, Tricia Burke4, Ling Tang1, Man-Chiu Poon5, Xiaojing Li6, Min Zhou6, Jing Sun7, Marrisa Hang8, Victor Blanchette8 and Nancy L Young4* Abstract Background: Quality of life (QoL) is increasingly recognized as an important … It changes the message conveyed altogether, Pace is another aspect of spoken language that can whether! Clausen T, Aamodt C, beaton D: cross-cultural adaptation process would have been more appropriate ask! 32 items in italics in table 2 positions at the challenges of achieving competence. And compared by a committee formed by experts on health education original submitted files for images the what are the important concepts of cross cultural adaptation receiver! 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